Stories Page

Hey there and welcome to my personal collection of some weight gain stories. The stories you'll find here will not be found anywhere else, unless someone steals them from here, and they are either contributed here, written by myself, or there was expressed conscent to post them here. Now after sounding like a lawyer, enjoy the stories!

Guardians of Geo

An ongoing story written by me, Master Morpher, about four girls who are saving the world at the cost of their figures. Currently looking for illustrators to help me with this one, so if you can help contact me.

Stories by Joseph Kimler

As per request by my dear friend Erika Walters (The Buxom Hottie that represents my e-mail name), some of the stories have been edited slightly (Only by name Joe! Don't worry!) so everyone can enjoy these stories as much as she says she has.

Guest Writers

So you like writing about weight-gain as much as I do? All contributed stories will be posted here, so send in that "Amanda Gained Fifty pounds every two days" story. Hey maybe if I get good responses I'll give you your own section here!


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