Comstar Historical Naval Database
(alternate continuity edition)
Welcome to the Comstar Historical Naval Database. Here our diligent archivists struggle tirelessly to bring the light of enlightenment to the masses on all things naval related.
Just to remind you who's in charge here
When we started this project oh so long ago, the boys at Fasa and Fanpro hadn't exactly touched much on the subject of old warships. So we got to play around in virtually virgin territory, and our fluff and ships flourished. However, things change, and now Fanpro has decided to get into the act (I like to think that our own almost obsessive work and the pretty decent response it generated might have helped to promote an official look at star league warships, but who knows for sure? Well, Fanpro does, but I sure hope they don't spoil my buzz. Anyway...). In the process they managed to unravel a great deal of the work we'd already done. If they'd just canonized us, we wouldn't have had to go through such heartache, I always wanted to be a saint, but then I'm rambling again.

So anyhow a lot of our stuff got undone, but we weren't about to let it go to waste, so that's why I made this page. This contains our original work, along with my pet Project Reality Modulation, in their original, unrevised form, so future generations can know that before Fanpro made it fashionable, we were here plugging along.
Special Bonus: PRM

Everything you know is wrong
Each link leads to a ZIP file. Some contain a small number of text or HTML files, some contain scads (does anyone even say scads anymore?). As we update the archive, more files will be added. Oh yeah, all files are as certified virus free as I can make them.
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