RK Glass

Website Summary:

What will you website contain?

My website will contain detailed information about the glass company RK glass such as what they do and where they are located.

Where will you get the content for this website?

I will get most of my information from a direct source and most of my images will come from a creative commons licenced images.

Why should users care about the focus of the site?

Users should care because it will give them insite to the company and what they do and why you should hire them as opposed to their competitors.

Why should a site be built for this?

This website should be built in order for companies or other buyers looking for RK glasses services and in order to preview what they do and why they should use there company for work.

What would you like users to do at your site?

I would like users to be able to veiw and gather knowlege from my website in which they can view and learn about the company I am showcasing in which they can then make a informed descion for there buisness needs.

What is the goal of the site?

The goal of this site is to give people a virtual tour of what the company does and what they provide in order to sway people opinion and get them to work with us.