Finally it looks like Dr. Kelvin has lost it.

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Miss i have told you to go away i dont deal with evil like you next time i receive your mail i will deal with you and your mad slave.

I UNDERSATAND THE KIND OF PERSON YOU AND YOUR SLAVE ARE.PLS PLS DONT MAIL ME AGAIN. IF YOU DO I WILL TAKE YOUR PICTURE TO THOSE ABOVE YOU AND YOU WILL BE DEALT WITH OKAY (Dealt with?  How? Voodoo?  This does bring up an important point though.  If you are going to engage in scam-baiting as a hobby, make sure you are not traceable.)

So it appears to be time to wrap up this little adventure.  First, the kiss-off from Don

Subject: What is an "idot"? Is that like a mugu?

Dear Dr. Kelvin:   

It seems we have come to the point where it is appropriate  to say goodbye to you.  I would say "farewell" but I really don't want you to fare well.   

To put it frankly, we led you on.  Did you really believe that Don Morgan, Mistress Stephie and Licorice Whips Inc. really existed?  If *our* story was unbelievable, *yours* was even worse!  I would tell you about how laughable your attempt to scam us was, but that might make you learn from your mistakes and turn you into a better scam artist.   

Let me just offer some advice then: you are really bad at this - I mean really, really, horribly unsuited to this sort of work.  Unless you like spending your time chasing after other people's money, only to find out that they've been laughing at you the whole time, try putting the same effort into finding a real job.   

Thanks for the laughs.

Femi Kelvin's response:

Subject: We shall deal with you

when you know what is happening why do you reply me,dont ever try to disturb me again you america fools we africa shall deal with you for all the evil you do during the slave trade to we africa.

your daddy


(There you go - they aren't evil scam-artists, they're modern-day Robin Hoods)

And as it should be, Mistress Stephie gets the last word.

P.S.  Hi there Femi.  Just wanted you to know that "Stephie" is actually a 34 year old man but even *I* can recognize that your pickup lines (such as wanting to fuck me in the front and back - what the hell?) are terrible.  You might not be homosexual, but you might want to give it a whirl as you might have better luck.  

P.P.S. Oh, yeah, and screw you for trying to scam people out of their money, mugu.  Get a job.

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