Here you will find the pages that we have used art from.  Or pages that we got information from, or that we just think rule.  So take a minute and check them out.
Below are the pages I got all the fantasy art used on this page
Mystical Unicorn Gallery - Where I got most of the unicorn art.

Deities Dragon Art - Where I got the pic above.

Dragon Shadows - Where I got a few pictures... this page rocks!

MetaMorpheus - A fantastic sight got a lot of pics here!
X-Men Links
Comics Continuum - A wonderful X-men info site. - The official site.

Pryde and Wisdom - Jean's pride and joy. This is where Pete's pics hail from!

Marvel Directory - THE source of any bio you need for marvel characters.

Uncanny X-men - A wonderful Xmen site full of pics and info.

Fonts of Wisdom - A fan art page.

Spades Fan Art - Wonderful artist site!

Pam's Page - Another wonderful fan art site!
X-Men: Evolution
Rahnnie Pryde's Evo Page - Kitty's other page.

The Swamprat & The Southern Belle - Rogue's site.

Matt's Evo Page - Wonderful picture gallery.

Lesli's fan art - Wonderful evo art
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