2004 錦標賽
Tug of War, 2004

Tug-of-War-- On the pan-blue side: KMT's presidential candidate, Fugitive Tycoon Chen Yu-Hao, Most-wanted Fugitive (White-collar criminal and the so-called "black-gold" or "golden calf"), and China; On the pan-green side: DDP's candidate and running mate, and former president Lee.

It can be said that the March 20 presidential election in Taiwan has become a fight between China and President Chen. China has tried to isolate Chen personally and shunned his government since it took office in 2000 because China sees Chen as a pro-independence figure. In recent months, China has stepped up its efforts to influence Taiwan's upcoming election. Besides blocking Taiwan's attempt to enter WHO and its intense international campaign in attacking Chen's proposed historical referendum as being provocative and dangerous, China has recently announced capture of alleged Taiwanese spies and paraded them on television, claiming it was able to break the spy ring because Chen himself had publicly disclosed that China has 496 missiles pointed at Taiwan.
More recently a Taiwanese fugitive tycoon in China, Chen Yu-Hao, who defaulted on large amount of bank loans in Taiwan to invest heavily in China, faxed letters to a Nationalist Party (KMT) controlled newspaper and to other pro-unification papers, to allege illegal political donations to Chen, although it turned out that he had donated much more to KMT simultaneously. It is widely suspected that China is behind the maneuver. Chen's opponent in the election, KMT's Lien, whom China favors because of his long standing reunification policy, has been echoing most of these of China's criticisms. Also, China has allowed KMT to openly campaign for Lien among Taiwanese businessmen in China. If Lien wins the election, he will indeed owe China greatly.

News Items:
前東帝士集團總裁陳由豪的政治獻金案持續發酵,台聯黨團幹事長何敏豪、立委錢林慧君昨召開記者會,批評藍軍利用陳由豪來打擊陳水扁總統,藍營應先交代清楚陳由豪給親民黨主席宋楚瑜的一億元是怎麼回事,宋楚瑜的小姨子陳碧雲也應回國說清楚。 何敏豪說,陳由豪最近連續對外放話,指稱確實曾給陳水扁總統政治獻金,但又不回國說明清楚,顯然是要利用選舉期間扯濫污。而陳由豪說願接受測謊,但隔海怎麼測謊,要測謊也應回國來測。   他也質疑,陳由豪和藍營串連,藉此機會打擊陳總統,讓人不得不懷疑,他與藍營之間是否有不當利益交換;他也揶揄國親,乾脆找陳由豪回國來助選算了。

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