Welcome to Glen Agritelley's Roy Orbison Collection

Glen and I have been exchanging emails for about a year and a highlight for both of us a few months ago was meeting up in London, England for the first time. We spent about 4 hours talking non-stop about Roy and there was an instant bond between us. We both learned many things that day including the fact that we were born in the same year. Glen's lovely wife Sara was on hand to take our picture near Liverpool Street Station.

Glen was telling me about his marvellous Roy Orbison collection and later on when I started to put this website together I suggested he photo the collection for everyone else to view and he kindly agreed even though he was obviously busy running his business The T Bar Raquet Club in Dallas.

Candid shot of Roy in the late 60's in his home in Tenn.

Pre '64 promo shot

1987 promo shot from Mystery Girl promo shoot

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