Interview via email between Martin and Bill Frady
(younger brother of Claudette Orbison, Roy's first wife.)

        Hi Martin,
        Well I hope I answered at least part of your questions. I could have gone into more detail on
        some but it would take for ever to type,(especially the snail  pace I type at.(Smile)
        You haven't frightened me as a matter of fact I enjoy it.

         At least when I write about Roy and Claudette and see it in print, I know it is  not what I
        have seen of the lies and dumb ass  mistakes I have seen in the two books on Roy.
        These wrongs I would like to be able to clear up.
        Anyway I'll try to answer any questions put to me by you or anyone else.

               Bill Frady

Questions or Comments to Bill can be sent to: [email protected]

                                            or email me [email protected]

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