Welcome To MarkTape's
Over The Shoulder Carry Yahoo! Site

This is a no frills site; it consists of a database of over the shoulder carries which I and my unnamed collaborators have found floating around in cyber-space. Here you will find men carrying women, women carrying women, and women carrying men in regular OTS carries, fireman's lift, and reverse over the shoulder carries. Unless stated otherwise, all pictures are of men carrying women. There are some pictures of younger girls but there is no pornography on this site and nothing resembling child porn. On here and on our sister sites you will find a fair collection of cartoons and drawings by courtesy of Sailornapper and others. Just click on the link and if you like what you see, download it. That's all there is to this site!

The pictures are more or less in alphabetical order although the names given them are somewhat arbitrary and more for my convenience than yours. I have not attempted to categorise them, eg to group all female/female OTS or all colour cartoons together, but you'll soon get the hang of the database.

There are a few commercial photos in this database; these have not been plundered from their owners but have been found on other sites, in particular on Yahoo! Groups, by myself and my colleagues, so I plead not-guilty to copyright theft!

If some of the images are not as clear as you would like them to be they can be sharpened and/or resized with most good image editors; my personal preference is for Microsoft Photo-Editor.

Click here for the OTS Database

Click here for Links page

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