


    011K Etherial Electrogravitics
    066K The Gravitics Situation
    012K Spaceships that Conquer Gravity
    012K Conquest of Gravity Aim of Top Scientists In U. S.
    009K Space-Ship Marvel Seen If Gravity Is Outwitted
    010K New Air Dream-Planes Flying Outside Gravity
    013K Towards Flight - Without Stress or Strain... or Weight
    023K Antigravity - 1967 Issue of Flying Saucer
    003K More On B-2 Stealth Bomber As Antigravity Craft
    060K Electrogravitic Systems
    056K Breaking the Law of Gravity
    003K Definition of Antigravity Terms
    003K Classification Scheme for Antigravity Devices
    004K Chronology of US Antigravity Research
    032K Gravitomagnetic Field / 'Gravity-Shielding' Experiments
    014K Chapter 7: Antigravity
    018K Gravitation, Repulsion and Doppler Distortion Systems
    016K Antigravity Propulsion Experiments
    030K The U.S. Air Force, Anti-Gravitation & UFO's
    032K Diamagnetic Gravity Vortexes
    022K I Know the Secret of the Flying Saucers
    032K UK Hacker Says He Found Anti-Gravity Engine File At W/P AFB
    015K Gravitational Attractive and Repulsive Systems
    019K Townsend Brown and His Anti-Gravity Discs
    013K "Towards Flight - Without Stress or Strain... or Weight"
    006K The Biefeld-Brown Effect
    014K Possibility of Gravitational Force Shielding
    013K On Internal Work and Antigravity
    007K Weighty Implications: NASA Funds Controversial Gravity Shield
    021K Antigravity and the Ultimate Spacecraft Propulsion System



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