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Nov. 12, 2001
First Time!
I had two days off, so Kh and I went up to Kelowna. Went gambling the previous night, and we both won over $200! That made the trip pay for itself, but what really made it worth while was getting out on the snow again. We hit up Big White and made the most of the pre-season conditions. There wasn't any fresh, but the snow was soft and dry. I have some pix, and will place them here soon. It was good to feel all those sore muscles the next day too, for the new riding season has begun.

Dec. 8
Seymour. Lots of fresh (good), lots of people (bad). Backcountry riding was the simple solution. Drew, Kh, and I went up and hiked out. We found a hit and hiked it a few times. We hiked a nice pow-line too. Drew brought his camera up, so if and when the pictures get developed, they will be posted.

Dec. 9
Kh and I came up for an evening session. It got dark fast and with the dark came the cold and with the cold came our departure. Poor visability, but soft landings everywhere. No complaints, but I would like to eventually have a day where I can see ahead of me while riding.

Dec. 15
Seymour again. I'm not bored of the mountain yet, but I know it is coming. I took some good runs from the top of one chair to the bottom of another. In between is a gulley with fun wall-hits and drops along the sides.

Dec. 17
Went up to WHISTLER! Mike, Chris, Drew and I all went up for the deepest powder I've ever been in! I ended up buying a 5-day pass, which just turned into a 6-day pass because I snuck onto the chair without getting my pass checked. The snow was incredible! So soft and totally deep. I fell into a tree-well near the end of the day, and after unstrapping to dig myself out, I sunk to my armpits in the snow. I was really stuck. I had to climb the tree to get up on my board again, then strapped in one foot. I dug some more, and climbed up the tree a little further. I pushed off from the tree, landed on my back, and did a back-roll in my one-time attempt to get out of the well and back ontop of the snow. I was successfull in getting out of the well, but then I had to get the tip of my board back to the surface so I could start riding. After another couple minutes of digging and hopping, I finally got out. What an ordeal. Next run, of course, I went back into the trees.

Dec. 19
Blackcomb. The household crew went up and got some more of that winter-storm pow.

Dec. 20, 2001 to Jan.12, 2002
7th to 14th
I've been suffering from lack of motivation lately. Although I've been dragging my corpse up to the hills, I've been sucking, and haven't bothered writing about any of those days. Minor elaboration: I'm discouraged for not improving more than I am. I feel I should be way better than I am, and lately I haven't been able to stick any solid spins off tables. Pathetic.

Went up to Seymoure today with Tyler and Carmalita. We had lots of fun, and I started sessioning the rails. I'm back on my feet, and ready to improve. I was also flying off the table tonight and was the only one that I saw there that cleared it. The conditions were starting to get icey, so there was no room for error. Good thing my new boots fit snug.

Seymoure night session with Khrista. A whole 2 runs worth before I decided not to wreck myself. The mountain was a sheet of ice, which are not good conditions for trying new tricks.

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