My Autobiography

On the 18th day of the year 1998 on the month of April their was a cute baby girl that came out from the womb of her mother named Marjel Ann Rosales Torres, his father's name is Mario C. Torres while her Mother's name is Jeline R. Torres. I get my name from my Parents name MAR from my Father and JEL from my Mother thats why MARJEL. I am now 15 years old studying at Immaculate Heart Academy, I am now in 4th year secondary St. Joseph our adviser is Maam Lucena C. Leong. I graduated my elementary years at ABC Learning Center. I am thinking to take stewarding at maritime Negros Oriental, I have lots of dreams in life I want to have a beautiful mansion and a wonderful house someday. we are only 3 in the family because I don't have siblings.

I want to be a successful women in the future and have my own family with a Husband and a Mother of two kids. My hobby is playing Volleyball, I want to eat lots of food i don't care if i will be fat. i want to marry a man that can love me in all my heart that will never hurt me till the day we die, a man that is good to me and a man that is loving, caring and understanding Father of my kids. Someday, we will have our own things that are really for us travel around the world like Paris, USA, and many more countries that are nice to go. i want to spend my whole life just to be with the people I loved and the people I cherished my life the most are my Family.

Thats why I'll just take a 1 year course to help my parents and to reach my dreams in life it doesn't mean that I am tired to school I just want that in my early age I can have my own income, I can buy things that I love using my own money. In an early age I can be Successful in life my mother always telll me get a 4 years course but i told her Mom It doesn't mean that I can't find a nice job It depends on me on how I will manage myself to have my nice work to have and to reach my dreams, It is yours on how you deal with things in an early age. I want to have my own company so that my relative that have no work they can just go their and get some work with a correct salary. I just want to reach my goals in life so that people will be proud of me.