Balloon Flower (September, 2001)

Breeding: Mixed Colors
Seeded date: End of March, 2001
Photographed date: 9/17/2001 (Left), 10/1/2001 (Right)

Sensation score: **

Being a Japanese, I felt like planting some Japanese flower, and decided to buy the seeds of ballon flower in Spring.
This plant is very sensitive to the temperature. It didn't grow very much in early spring, but it started grow faster and faster as hot as it got. According to some gardening books, it is mentioned that flowers might not be expected very much during the first year, however these ballon flowers got flowers continuously even during the first year.
However, the growth differs depending on the location, even in the same container. Only one of them grew a lot and others did not very well. Maybe the biggest one absorbed the nutrition too much? And, though this breeding should be mixture of 3 color flowers (purple, white and pink), it was disappointing that any pink flowers were not found. Some of them have not gotten any flowers in this year, and they might get pink flowers in the next year or later.

Here is How to Grow Balloon Flower


The List
of My Flowers

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