broken arm at Beach Week 1999

 (Pictures of the UVA Pep Band)


 broken arm at Beach Week 1999

 (Pictures of the UVA Pep Band)

Andy first broken arm (1983

 Michael with his first broken arm, fall 1991 (Cast no.1)

Michael with his best friend, summer 1996   (Cast no.2)

One of the pictures shows him, age 4, after breaking his arm at the elbow and being pinned. Another picture shows him age 9 with another break in the same arm. Not shown is the bad bruise to the same arm he received at age 10 when he toppled a tombstone on himself. In 1998, at 11, he broke the same arm again after going head first over the handlebars of his bike, saying "I accidentally applied the front brakes". The mistake his father made was removing the training wheels from Michael's bike before his 16th birthday.

Michael with his third broken arm, spring 1998 (Cast no.3)

Amanda broke her arm at McDonalds.
Photo she broke here wrist, but that didn't stop here from selling popsicles


Broke his left wrist in the game against California on September 4 when he dove to tackle an opposing player. He won't be able to play until the end of the season.

Tom's Broken Arm, yes, he broke it again...this time both bones!
Pauls Tribe-Whoops I broke my arm
Spencer and his friend Sarah. She broke her arm in Mayand missed some school, so Spencer brought her flowers

He picked out the card and the flowers and deliveredthem one day after school.  It was fun for both of them



Ms. Broken Arm

Eddie broke RCs arm cuz he didn't play with him (old picture)
One look at the bulky cast on his right hand, the wrap so large that it resembles a boxing glove, and the mind races:
Rowan Amber West with a cast on her arm after she broke her wrist falling off a horse.
Danielle fell off while standing in the swing on Monday, March 22nd. She broke her right elbow. She says she will never do it again.
Sage: Look I broke my arm.
Clive, He broke his wrist playing indoor soccer....

Look at me! This is my third cast. The first one was white, the second one was black, and this one is BRIGHT green!

(click here to visit his site)
Marcus, Alec gave me a shirt and hat and let me get my picture taken even though I couldn't play! 
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