The beginning of an Inner Odyssey



We are leaving for Singapore tomorrow and I believe we now have a better idea of what to do and expect during the June trip. We are not here to help anybody. This is a haughty egocentric view that “We are better” and “You need us”. They never need us. We are only doing what we ought to be doing. Why am I doing this? Because by fate or luck, I found myself to be in a position where I think I can do something. 


Ignorance is the greatest crime of all. Because we are ignorant, we don’t know what needs to be done, what we can do and how we should go about doing it. Those who know and remain silent are equally as guilty. Silence is a conspiracy to hide the truth and to assuage our guilt. Martin Luther King once said: “Our lives end the day we become silence about things that matter”. What he meant exactly is, we are still physically alive, but we no longer partake in life. “Nothing can be done”, “What else can we do?” and “I am only a human being” have become irritating excuses to vindicate ourselves from inactivity and inaction. I believe we can all do a bit of something to help alleviate a bit of human suffering in the world. Something is better than nothing at all. 


For me, it is the beginning of an inner odyssey. It begins with the realization that there is more to life than our own parochial obsessions, desires and possessions. 


Let us plant the earth with seeds of goodness and embrace the world with universal love.


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