MISSION OF LOVE 2 DISCLAIMER: Rurouni Kenshin and Rurouni Kenshin characters are exclusively owned by Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shueisha, Sony Entertainment, Jump Comics and associated parties. Please note, this is purely fiction and for entertainment purposes only. This story is not meant for sale or profit. Author's Notes: After the success of Kenshin and Kaoru's marriage, the Kenshin-gumi are at it again. This time their mission is to throw an anniversary party for Saitoh and Tokio. Will they succeed without risking Saitoh's wrath? (Parts 3 and 4 are spoofs of the Kyoto Arc. So this is a Spoiler Alert if you haven't seen it.) Mission of Love 2 Comedy Fanfiction by Gypsy-Chan. Enjoy! MISSION OF LOVE 2: ANNIVERSARY PARTY Part Four Sano stands ready before door number one. He uses his Futae No Kiwami to break down the door. Anji is sitting on the floor meditating. Sano: So, I see we meet again. Anji: Hai. But this time I will show no mercy. Sano: Ok then give me your best shot! Kenshin: Sano, I know you can do this! Just concentrate! Enishi: Foul!! Foul!!! No fair helping the rooster head. Next outburst like that will result in severe punishment. Kenshin: How severe is the punishment? Enishi: Anyone caught cheating will be forced to eat my sister Kaoru's cooking. Kenshin: You fiend! No man should suffer such a fate! (He turns to Sano) Gomen Sano, but you're on your own. Sano: Gee thanks. Anji and Sano both stood facing each other prepared to use the Futae No Kiwami. Without losing eye contact they swiftly draw back their fists and with a might swing, they aim their fists at one another shouting: Rock! Paper! Scissors!!! Kenshin: Sano you did it! Scissors always cuts paper! Saitoh: He's just on a lucky streak that's all. Sano: Hey! Rock, paper, scissors is pretty hard to do you know. Anji: I see you have been practicing. I stand defeated. Enishi: Oh well that was fun, so on to the next door. Who wants to go next? Kenshin: I'll go. I can sense whose behind door number two. Let's proceed. Enishi: Ok brother-in-law. But first I must put my dark glasses on before you do your Battousai thing. You always seem to blind me when you turn up those red, yellow and green eyes of yours. Sano: Shut up you maniac! They all enter the room. Seta Soujiro is standing there. He smiles at Kenshin. Soujiro: Himura-san, it is good to see you again. Are you ready to begin? Kenshin: Hai. Let's begin. Sano: Kenshin, be careful of his Shukuchi! Kenshin nods. As Soujiro and Kenshin stand ready to battle, Enishi shouts: Wait! (He runs in the middle, does something to the floor and stood back). You may proceed! Soujiro taps his foot on the floor twice, tosses his marker into the first square and hops through to the next two squares. Sano: I can't believe it. He's faster than Kenshin. Soujiro: It's your turn Himura-san. Kenshin also takes his marker and tosses it on the square. It landed successfully in the second set of squares. He hopped across straddling the squares then finally landing in a single square standing on one foot. Soujiro bangs his head on the floor. "It can't be! How can he be as good as I am at Hopscotch? Enishi: What's the matter kiddo? Having doubts of your abilities? Let me help you. He breaks Soujiro's shoelaces and then yells,"Time out!!!" They were now on separate sides of the room. Sano: Hey Kenshin, where did you learn how to play hopscotch? Kenshin: From my Shishou. I hopped while he drank the scotch. They met back together. Kenshin: Where's Soujiro? Enishi: I had to disqualify him. Sano: Why? Enishi: Because his shoelaces didn't match. Sano: Didn't match what? Enishi: My red outfit. I can't have anyone fighting on my side that isn't color coordinated you know. Sano: Geez! Enishi: Now on to the last door. And we all know whose door this is for. Saitoh: Shut up you moron and open the door! Enishi: No, after you. Saitoh took his sword and slashed the door down. The room was dark. Saitoh: Usui if you are hiding in here, come out. Your hearts eye will not work on me. Enishi: You will not find Usui in here but you will find a... SURPRISE!!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! shouted everyone. Tokio walked over to him and said, "Happy anniversary darling." Saitoh frowned and said, "Uhm... yeah... right.... happy whatever. Now let's go." She gently tugged on his arm and then led him over to their table. When they reached their table, she sat down and motioned for him to sit down beside her. Tokio leaned over and whispered,"The Himura's went through a lot of trouble for us. If you don't act like you're having a good time, I'll shove this stuff Himura-san's wife made down your throat." Saitoh looked in his plate and saw the head of a fish. The fish looked up at him and said, "Please kill me!" Saitoh turned to his wife and said, "Ok, you win." He cracked a smile. Kaoru was offering snacks to everyone. "Would you like a snack Shishio-san?" He nodded and took a snack. After she walked away he carefully looked at it and turned up his nose saying, "Ewww.... This stuff isn't done yet." Shishio took his glove off and held the snack in his hand while saying, "Flame on!" His torching of the snack began creating a lot of smoke. Kenshin walked over and said, "Gomen Shishio but you can't smoke in here." "I prefer my food well done," replied Shishio. "Next time, tell your woman to kill the food before serving it and not to wait for it to die of old age." "Well if you don't like it you can just bite me." Shishio smiled, opened his mouth wide and said, "Not a bad idea." (heh! heh!) Kenshin backed up, waving his hands saying, "I think I better check on the desserts, that I should." He hurried away from Shishio. Shishio stood and smiled. Everyone was having a good time. But then it was time to open the anniversary presents. "Okay everyone gather around," said Enishi. "It's time for the presents to be opened. Now let's see. Well, well, well, look what we have here. It's a painting." Enishi took the wrapper off the painting. Sano and Kenshin both gasped when they saw it. The painting was of both of them sitting next to each other holding hands. "Katsu! You idiot!!" Yelled Sano. "What did you do?" "Sorry Sano," replied Katsu. "But I ran out of canvas so I had to put you and Kenshin on the same painting. I sort of forgot what both of you were holding in your hands at the time so I joined your hands together." Sano started chasing Katsu around the room. "I'll kill you for that you idiot!!" Saitoh glared at the painting and quipped, "This is just what I need, a painting of the moron and the idiot staring at me in my house. Maybe I'll put it outside to scare the birds away." Tokio frowned and elbowed him. "Saitoh!!" "Okay, now it's time for my present." He pulled out some lingerie. He looked over at Tokio and said, "I have the perfect outfit for you on this special ocassion." He gave her a leather jumpsuit with handcuffs and a whip. "If you wear this outfit tonight, I guarantee you will bring the Mibu Wolf out in your husband. He'll be howling for more. (woof, woof)" Tokio blushed while taking the outfit from Enishi. Misao, Kaoru and Megumi jumped up and ran over to Enishi. "What else you got?" asked Megumi. "Hai, I want to see too," said Kaoru. One of his outfits caught her eye. "I want that one. I know it will bring the Battousai out in...." Kenshin stared at her. She blushed a crimson color. Enishi smiled. "Don't worry my sister, I will hook you up with this lovely little negligee and a long chain. The Battousai loves to be chained up." (arf, arf) Kenshin walked over to Enishi and whispered, "I'll take two sets of chains and that outfit in black. Uhm... Can I get a family discount?" Everyone began to crowd Enishi making a big fuss over the night gowns. Saitoh glanced over at the outfit in his wife's hand and whispered, "Now that everyone is distracted we can slip out the back way.... And don't forget the outfit and the handcuffs." (wink, wink) Tokio blushed. He took her hand and they slipped out the back. "What about me?" asked Misao. "I want an outfit too!" "Be patient my dear," said Enishi. "Oh yes, I have the perfect ensemble for you." He handed her a sexy ninja outfit. Misao held the outfit up against her body. Aoshi took one look at it and his eyes lit up. "If the weasel girl wears that outfit tonight, I'm sure it will melt the ice off of Aoshi's blue eyes," smirked Sano. "Hey Enishi, have anymore handcuffs in that bag," he said while winking at Megumi. Megumi blushed. Kenshin thought, "It's time to get rid of everyone." He looked over to Kaoru and said, "Why don't you offer everyone dessert?" (heh! heh!) Kaoru quickly went to get dessert. When she came out with the tray of desserts she asked, "Does anyone want dessert?" Everyone took one look at the tray and ran out of the room leaving only Kenshin and Kaoru. "Kenshin, where did everyone go?" "I don't know," he responded. "Let's go home now." LATER THAT NIGHT, Kenshin and Kaoru were lying in bed. Kenshin was cuddling up to Kaoru. He started kissing her. "Didn't you have fun today Kenshin?" (Hmmm... kiss, kiss) "I said, didn't you have fun today." "Uhm... Hai." (kiss, kiss, kiss) "Kenshin." (Hmm... kiss, kiss) "I think we should do something for Misao and Aoshi." (Who?... kiss, kiss, kiss) "Kenshin no baka! How come you never listen to me!" (sob, sob) "Hey Jou-chan, why don't you stop giving Kenshin a hard time and give it up already." "Eeeeek," screeched Kaoru as she covered herself. "SANO!! What are you doing in my bedroom," shouted Kenshin. Kaoru grabbed her bokken and started chasing Sano. "Come back here you big rooster head!!!" "Nice boxers brother-in-law. The purple hearts really match your eyes. "ENISHI!!! What are you doing here! "To discuss our next mission of love." WHAT!!! Enishi put his arms around Kenshin's shoulder. "Now this time we're definitely going to have some kidnapping in the mission. And then we could....." "Orooo!" Kaoru re-entered the bedroom with a long chain in her hand and wearing a black negligee. She started twirling around the chain while winking at Kenshin. After taking one look at her, he jumped up, grabbed his Sakabatou and flipped the blade. "Kami-sama! He's gone Battousai! I'm out of here!!" shouted Sano as he ran out their room. "Ok, ok, I get the point," said Enishi. "We'll discuss this in the morning." Enishi left. Kenshin grabbed the other end of Kaoru's chain pulling her closer to him. In his deep most sexiest Battousai voice he said, "Now, where were we." (kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, etc., etc.)