Disclaimer: RK is not mine, it belongs to Watsuki Nobuhiro. The songs and their titles are the sole property of the singers/songwriters and companies that are associated and affiliated with them. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING and I acknowledge the rights of all the aforementioned people. Once more, I own nothing here. Notes: No, I do not have a straitjacket although Farfie kindly offered me his and Schuldich volunteered to...ahem...strap me in...*wicked grin* It's just one of those things that I just couldn't get out of my head. Written in like fifteen minutes. Plus, all the titles are real titles of real songs. I used my audiogalaxy search. I chose the songs for their titles, lyric and content was secondary or in this case, almost irrelevant for my nefarious purposes. RK COVER SONGS Kenshin: Kaoru! Watsuki-sensei has been kind enough to send us a copy of our studio recordings! Kaoru: Mou! It's about time to. Wait a minute, he sent a CD too. *reads down the list of singers* NANI??? I thought he got only the two of us to sing. Sanosuke: *saunters in with Yahiko* Well yer wrong there Jou-chan. He got me to sing as well. And I saw some of the Ten Swords in the studio too. Yahiko: Who cares? Let's see what songs they have. Kenshin: *reading aloud* By Shishio Makoto...oro! Shishio gets first billing!! That's too much. Battousai ought to pay Watsuki-sama a visit.... Sanosuke: Just read it Kenshin. Kenshin: *Sulking* By Shishio Makoto, "The World is Not Enough." Bonus track includes the song "I'm on Fire." ORORORO! *Mass sweatdrop* Kaoru: That man needs help. What else is there? Let me see. Oooh, Sano, you and Megumi sang a duet "Something Stupid." Saitou: How appropriate. Sano: Arrgh! Where did you come from you psycho-cop? Are you trying to scare us to death? Saitou: Ahou, always stating the obvious. Kenshin: Don't tell me you sang too Saitou. *glances at CD* You got to sing "Smooth Operator"!! Not fair! Saitou: Stop whining Battousai. It's not my fault that they insisted you dedicate THAT song to the Tanuki. Yahiko: What song? *screams with laughter when he sees it* "Slave 4 U"??! Kaoru: Kenshin! How dare you? Are you accusing me of abuse? *beats him into the ground* Hmmph, come on, who else is on the track? Yahiko: By Shinomori Aoshi, "The Sound of Silence." Figures, duh! Makimachi Misao, "Dedicated to the One I Love." *Everyone sighs and goes 'awwwww', except Saitou* Sanosuke: Hey, check out Kamatari's song "Man! I feel like a Woman." Bonus track includes "I'm not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman." Didn't he mention something about an operation using the money from the recordings? *Yahiko shrugs* Kenshin: What song did you sing Kaoru? *Kaoru blushes and points* "Angel of Mine"? Oh Kaoru. *They descend into rounds of "Oh Kaoru!" and "Oh Kenshin" until everyone gets nauseated* Saitou: Idiots. Give me that, I want to see the rest. By Hennya of the Juppon Gatana, "I'm Like a Bird". How corny can they get? Oh my, Usui and Houji sing a duet for the song "Life's a Bitch (Then you die)." Considering that they both died under such bitter circumstances, it's suitable. Battousai, your dead wife has a song too. Kenshin: Tomoe does a cover of "I'm Real"? Why would she- Sanosuke: Oh, no wonder she kept saying Enishi forced her into it. Couldn't figure out what she meant at that time. I guess he got sick of all those hallucination cracks that everyone keeps making about him. Kenshin: Oro?? They got Shishou to sing as well. *turns red* What the heck kind of song is this?? "Serve the Ego"????! Kaoru: It's your Shishou. What else can you expect? Yahiko: Enishi has a song too. It's called "Exacting my Revenge." *mass sweatdrop* Something tells me he hasn't gotten over Jinchuu yet. And Yumi has a song too, "Crazy Little thing called Love." Man, at least she knows it. Who in their right mind would die for Shishio anyway? Saitou: Tenken no Soujirou is the last. Doing a cover of Bjork's "Violently Happy." And we all wonder why. *snickers* *Doorbell rings and Kenshin returns with another package.* Kenshin: Oro?? They've sent another CD! The End ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comments: Reviews? Flames? *shivers* Please send and let me know if you guys want a second CD. :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------