Standard disclaimers:
Well, you all know that I don't own RuroKen, I am just borrowing the
characters for some fun... and you all know that I am not Saitou Tokio =^^=.

Author's notes:
Well, is this story historical correct? A blunt: NO.
AND: FINALLY, FINALLY!!! This is the 'tribute-chapter' to 'The Past
that Eludes Her' by Kieroo which I was planning to write and promised
to write AGES ago (ok, about ten months ago)... I started it already
in spring, but somehow I lost touch with it =^^=. Now I remembered it
and polished it, here we are =^^=.

Unfortunately she deleted this story... as well as her very good

And many, many thanks to Morgane and Firuze Khanume for helping me
to correct this chapter, and for giving me helpful hints, and for making useful


Come back to me a while
Change your style again
Come back to me a while
Change your taste in men
It's been this way since Christmas day
Dazzled, doused in Gin
I'm killing time on Valentine's
Waiting for the day to end
Change your taste in men

words by PLACEBO ('Taste in men')


CHAPTER 15: A Marriage

13th year of the Meiji, June 26th

Time had vanished so fast... the years had passed... and now even
Battousai's marriage drew near. Who would have thought that he would
ever settle down? I surely had not. For me he still was wandering
between insanity and guilt, and his former self breaking through from time to
time. One proof more that peasants weren't meant for killing, their mind
wasn't able to bear it.

Sighing I flipped through the journal filled with my accurate, curlicueless
though artistic handwriting - as everyone told me, I wouldn't say this
about my own writing. I had spent the last weeks writing concentrated
from dawn until dusk, during night I had used a lantern.

Hajime had been annoyed about my lack of attentiveness towards him and had
wondered what I was writing so absorbed that he had to force the journal
out of my hands and drag me to the kitchen to prepare the meals...
but I didn't want to interrupt the narrative flow I felt
rushing over me. I even had started a second journal dealing with our
flight from Tokyo, Kondou's and Hijikata's death we had to witness...

My eyes fell on a neatly folded kimono lying in an edge and I felt
a growl building up in my throat. I had to take care of other things besides
writing and stitching wasn't one of my favourites. But Tatsuo was
coming of age and he needed a formal kimono. He was smaller and
almost delicate compared to his older brothers, the kimono they
both had worn wouldn't fit him, I had to rescale it. How annoying.

Reluctantly I picked up thread and needle and started to attach the
various pieces to each other. It needed only a few centimetres of the first
sleeve to bore me to death. Great. I felt myself looking around for
distraction from the monotonous work when I heard Tsutomo and Tsuyoshi
yelling in the yard, the unmistakable clanging of shinais accompanied
them. Wonderful, they were back from training and Tatsuo's squeaking
voice indicated that he had found his brothers and his excitement watching

Oh, how I wished that he would also pick up a shinai and start training
instead of only watching his older brothers, but there was only little
hope. Our youngest wasn't much of a warrior.

Quickly I gathered my utensils and hurried to watch over my sons
training, it was the desired distraction.

As every day after training they continued in our yard, the poor
maple and plum tree being dump witnesses of their efforts.
They were making huge progress, they both had the right spirit.

And as every day Tatsuo was sitting aside and watching them, a bright
smile forming itself on his lips as he noticed me. Immediately he jumped up
and changed his place, in order to sit down close beside me and to lie his
head into my lap. One more bad habit of him, he was far too dependent from me
for my taste and there was nothing I could do against it.

Tsutomo and Tsuyoshi barely acknowledged my presence with a brief
'Hi, Mum.', both too absorbed in their fight to pay me further attention.

I observed their moves closely while Tatsuo snuggled closer and gripped
my kimono tightly as though his very life depended on it. Absentminded
I caressed his head and satisfied he closed his eyes.

So much for being a brave and self-content male member of this family. Maybe
he was compensation for the daughter I didn't have. But there were still
chances to change this fact.

I better concentrated on my boys, Tsutomo and Tsuyoshi tended to be so
absorbed in fighting, that they needed to be reprimand
from time to time, otherwise I'd have to deal with serious wounds.
Even a bokken and a shinai, being used with the appropriate strength, could
still break a bone or two.

Astonishing enough... though Tsuyoshi was a few years younger he could
match Tsutomo's strength and experience. He was slightly faster, an
advantage due to his smaller size. Tsutomo was too lanky to react
in time, but he had already beaten everyone in the dojo he was training
at... the moves Hajime had shown him weren't innocent in his succeeding.

"I'm back."

Hajime was home and Tatsuo jumped up to great his father while
Tsutomo and Tsuyoshi first put their shinais aside and greeted each
other. Why couldn't Tatsuo be like them? What have I done wrong?
Most important: whose inheritage was this behaviour???
Surely neither from mine nor Hajime's.

It was our daily routine to have dinner as soon as Hajime was home,
and it was also daily routine that Tsutomo and Tsuyoshi told enthusiastically
what they had done this day while their father ate... while eating themselves,
of course.

And, as always, I was busy refilling the tea-bowls and rice-bowls of the four
gathered men. If someone of our old times in Kyoto would have seen me like
that... I wasn't quite sure if they would trust their eyes. Me, playing the
attentive and modest wife and mother... well, people change with age and even
I have become sedate at least.

I took the chance when everyone had had his meal to heat the bath
and soon, after bathing, we all were ready to go to bed.

Or more precisely: I was ready to go to bed. Tsutomo and Tsuyoshi
played 'Go' though Tsuyoshi barely knew what he was doing, and Tatsuo was
sitting upright on the table trying to recall the kanji's I had taught
him today. Vehemently I refused to let them be educated in one of these
'schools' that used to pop up lately. No one besides me and Hajime should
teach my sons, though this had earned me a great deal of misunderstanding
from my friends. It was so much more comfortable to let others do the job.
But who knew what nonsense they were taught in these schools? After all they
were set up by the new government.

And what was Hajime doing? Well, Hajime was reading
a report, insisting that it would be too late if he read it in two days.
Wherever was the difference? He couldn't do anything about it anyway
this evening.

Sighing I submitted in my fate and picked up Tatsuo's kimono again, took
a lantern and sat down outside, in front of the room. This way I didn't
feel like smoked fish due to Hajime's smoking and hadn't to endure
Tsuyoshi's frustrated outbursts when he realised that he couldn't match
his brother in Go. But it was a good, playful training in tactics for both
of them.

Ouch! In the dim light I had picked into my finger with the needle. How
I hated sewing! Why couldn't we have enough money to afford a new kimono
for Tatsuo? More carefully I continued my task and soon length and
width was adapted. Great!

Relieved I called for Tatsuo and as I had imagined he came immediately,
he hadn't been asleep yet. Proudly he waved the papers he had filled
with some characters.
"Isn't this good, Mother?"

Absentminded I had a brief look, his writing looked always very accurate,
not as awkward as it should in this age.
"perfect, Tatsuo. You've done very well."

I caressed his hair briefly and he remembered that he had been called.
"What is it, Mother?"

"I have scaled Tsuyoshi's kimono for your celebration. Let's try if it

Tatsuo made a face, indicating me clearly what he thought of the idea always
to wear the old cloths of his brothers, but he obeyed.

Ashamed I had to admit inwardly that he looked almost cute in this
cloth, it was perfect for him.
"Alright, Tatsuo-chan. It fits, we can leave it as it is."

Now he was a bit proud, wearing a cloth that showed his coming of age
and excitedly he went back to his brothers, surely to show them that he
was 'equal' now.

I breathed deeply, the annoying task was finished and the night's air was
fresh, relaxing, and I also felt relieved that I was finished with the
chores of the day.

Just when I was about to dream open-eyed about some changes I wanted to make
in the garden and the house if we had money, a tray was set beside me.

Surprised I turned around, Hajime was settling against the pole beside
me. On the tray was a pitcher with sake, cups and some tea.
Whatever it was what he wanted to discuss, it was important and he thought
it wouldn't please me. Only two times before in the years I was married
to him he had made the effort to bring sake and tea for me.

The relaxing effect was gone instantly and I poured us some sake while
Hajime lit the next cigarette. HUH.
He waited until my cup was empty with his news.
"My next appointment is in Hokkaido."

It would have been polite of him to have waited until I swallowed the sake.
Now I choked on it. Coughing, I urgently needed air to breathe, Hajime
continued unmoved.
"I'll leave next week."

THAT alarmed me.
"What do you mean, you'll leave next week?"

"Is there something you didn't understand?"

That damn smirk was killing me. We both knew very well what he had said,
he had said 'I'. My displeasure wasn't deniable.
"Hajime! You want to go alone?"

"May I remind you: 'Nothing on this earth is going to bring me back to this
God's forsaken place.'"

Oh, yes I remembered Hokkaido and my comment about this place well. Very well.
These small villages with its gossipping
inhabitants and its solitude and its freezing climate...

But I surely didn't want to be left behind. What should I do without him?
"At that time I didn't know that you might be sent there." My indignation
was shining through my voice, so that he should notice it. I poured the next
cup and put enough determinedness in my voice to make clear that he couldn't
change my opinion. There was no way I could convince the Meiji government
not to send him to Hokkaido...
"I am coming with you. I'll start packing our things right after Himura's
marriage and I'll inform our sons then."
On the other hand Hokkaido surely meant a better salary as a compensation...
I knew that a glimmer appeared in my eyes and a smile crept on my lips.

Just then I looked from the corner of my eyes at him and registered his smile
that appeared just for a brief second... when he actually smiled, he was
disturbing to say the least.
"I see, Tokio."

Something told me that he had expected this reaction, he knew that I would
follow him everywhere, even to Hokkaido and even blindfolded if it was
necessary and if he guided me. I simply couldn't hold back. I leaned over and
kissed him, first slightly, then he tasted the sake that still lingered on my
lips and licked it away, deepening the kiss. mmm, cigarettes and sake.
"Tasty lipstick, Tokio."

"I know, Hajime, I know." Sometimes my smirk could match his.

Thoughtfully I picked up one of the jellies he had brought along.
It was formed like a Lotus, he must have bought it on the way home, I didn't
remember having made them or having them in store. They tasted good, he must
have invested some money in them. I enjoyed them a while before my
thoughts wandered back to the next day.

Tomorrow was Battousai's marriage and in one week we would leave...
"Now you'll never get the rematch."

Not that he actually wanted it, there wasn't one attractiveness left in this
fight with Battousai, Hajime had been so eager to have over 10 years.
But his opponent had gone weak, there wasn't much left of the young hitokiri
in Kyoto.

Hajime snorted disdainfully.
"He isn't more then a mere shadow of his former self. What sense would lie
in a fight against an opponent like him? Ridiculous. Pathetic."

I couldn't help but laugh.
"Don't be so grumpy, Hajime. Tomorrow is his wedding day and he invited
us. There must have been a thought behind it."

"I highly doubt Battousai thinks at all."

mmm, one thing was sure, for what reason ever we were invited, we would
be guests tomorrow.

"What is it, wife?"

"I'd like you to know, that you shouldn't call him Battousai tomorrow, he
still doesn't accept his past as well as most of the others there. And I would
appreciate if you don't call everyone with names. Otherwise you'll be in BIG
trouble with me."

"Am I allowed to say anything?"

"Of course, Hajime, of course. Just be careful not to ruin the celebration
with one of your famous comments."

"Yes, Yes."

I wished I had received a more enthusiastic response, but that was the best I
could get... and finally we got to bed early for our measurements, tomorrow
would be a busy day.

There wasn't a chance we could over sleep, because with the rising sun,
our sons would be awake, Tatsuo jumping under our blanket.

This morning the interruption was greeted and I stood while Tatsuo was
pestering Hajime.

Wonderful. Soon Setsuko would come to pick up our
sons and take care of them until we were back. Setsuko was surely
one of my best friends and I knew I could trust her with my life and
with our sons. In addition they all liked staying with her... and playing with
her children. Her house would look like after an attack when our sons would
leave later this day, no doubt.

She came just in time, when they all were dressed up and took them
along with her.

There was only Hajime left to dress and with some persuading he put on
his hakama and kimono.

Afterwards he helped me with my own kimono and obi, there was no chance I could
dress alone and Setsuko was already gone.

It was still early in the morning, but it was a long way and the ceremony
would begin shortly after midday.

Soon we stood in front of the Kamiya Dojo and Hajime knocked on the gate.
I had to peek behind Hajime, as always he was blocking the view other
people might have on me. A remembrance of old days when it wasn't wise
to have my face known by anyone, but today it wasn't useful, they would
see me all sooner or later. Sometimes he tended to be overprotective.

A small boy with tousled hair ripped the gate open, and surprised I twitched.
What a rude behaviour! This had to be Yahiko, the 'brat' Hajime had mentioned.

"Hello everyone and..." His jaw dropped to the ground recognising Hajime and
then noticing me, the shock letting him stop in mid-sentence.
I was really afraid that he would loose his consciousness and already prepared
myself to catch him, for Hajime would surely let him falling into the mud,
not moving one finger. But with a self-control I secretly admired he regained
his senses.

"Please be welcome. Enter and make yourself a home." He bowed low, I assumed
only because of me, not for Hajime, at least he seemed to have SOME manners.
Even when it was only rudimentary, the basics. No polished
and refined education that was necessary to enter high society. Noble society,
of course, not the new established elite that thought only having enough
money made a gentleman out of you. I highly doubted that he would ever
enter high society with this surroundings, so why did I care for this

While Hajime entered, me directly behind him, the boy rushed away, nearly
falling over his own feet, yelling.

"Kaoru, you got to see this!"

What was so special about Hajime and me?

The yard fell silent, everyone stared at us and I had to admit that Hajime
was right again. Bringing our sons along with us would have caused some deaths
because of pure shock. I was enough for them to digest, peeking behind Hajime
at them, his body covering me and blocking my sight fully. Again.

They were all staring wide-eyed, jaws hanging to the ground, especially
the men, and I felt Hajime stretching. I could literally see him smirking
inside. He had always been proud of me, but this was topping his imagination,
exactly his taste. Definitely I was the best looking female around, he
told me later. Judging from the reactions, I think he was right.

Just in this moment Yahiko came back, closely followed by four women, Hajime
had told me about them, it was easy to figure out who was who.

One had a long plait, it had to be Makimachi Misao, better Shinomori Misao for
she had married some months ago. Having connections to agents and spies was
useful sometimes, you got information quicker than others... and first-hand
information was invaluable. The news of her marriage was brand-new.

Another one of the women looked really messed up, it had to be Kamiya Kaoru.
My god, what a tomboy! I would have to help her. She could probably look very
beautiful, not a hopeless case... still she lacked the refined elegance and
modesty of a good education that I had already noticed in Yahiko.
Tanuki was fitting to her, I had to admit. Once more I had to agree with
Hajime... how annoying.

The third woman was Sekihara Tae, I recognised her waitress uniform from the
Akabeko, the forth was Takagi Megumi. Both still needed to change into their
formal, representative dresses, but already looked way more graceful and
elegant than the poor bride.

They seemed to be stunned by my sight, so I chose to address them, they didn't
seem to bother about correct manners here, so I decided it was better to
take the initiative.

"You must be Kamiya Kaoru or should I say Himura Kaoru?"

I needed to walk over to her and to bow -a nod was enough in this place-
because she still stood rooted to the place. A real dojo-master like her
should react quicker than this.

"Thank you for inviting me and my husband, Himura-san."

I saw her blushing and bowing, she couldn't hide that she was admiring my
appearance and behaviour. No wonder casting a short glance at the gathered
females. Alright, I had to admit, the doctor was an exception.

"You are welcome, Saitou Hajime, Tokio. Make yourselves a home."
At last she had her voice and her manners back, what an odd young woman.

"So, where is Battousai?" I nearly fell backwards hearing Hajime behind me,
I thought I had expressed clearly enough to Hajime what I expected of him.
I shot a glare at him from the corner of my eye and he cleared his throat.

"Himura." More jaws dropping to the ground and I heard some gasps. Years of
training, I can tell you. But why were they so surprised by Hajime's reaction?

"He is meditating before marriage, which isn't long from now on."
The Kamiya girl was moving nervously from one foot to another.

"Well, come on, let's get you ready, shall we? These things shouldn't be
stalled on the account of late guests." I took another glance at Hajime and
shoved Kaoru in the direction I assumed her room was.

"I would like to help in the preparations, will you allow me?"
She seemed to be pleased and nodded wide-eyed. I looked questioningly at
Hajime to get his agreement and he just waved his hand. "I knew you were going
to do this."

I wasn't able to resist the call "I'll be back soon. Just socialise. It would
not hurt."

I laughed and heard more gasps, sharp intakes of air, casting a glance at
Hajime I knew I would pay later for this. It wasn't quite obvious to me why
everyone was surprised... what was wrong with this comment? Wondering I
followed Kaoru to her room to help dressing and preparing her.

Soon we giggled like small schoolgirls wrapping Kaoru into her kimono.

My task was the make-up and quickly I placed rice powder in her face, lined
her eyes and painted her lips while the others were combing Kaoru's hair.

When we were finished she looked breathtaking. Well, I had known it, there
was some potential in her.
I decided it was time now and took the silver butterfly pin from my pony-tail.

"I have something, I want to borrow you for this day, Kaoru-san."
They all turned and faced me.

"It is a hairpin from my mother. It is very precious to me, because it is
the only remembrance I have of her. She brought this pin along with her from
France. I want you to wear this during the ceremony, I wore it during mine
and I wish as many luck and love with Kenshin as I experienced in my years
with Hajime."
I reached out my hand to give her the hairpin, but they all
stared wide-eyed at me, dumbfounded. Did I say something wrong? Shaking her
head Kaoru awakened from her stupor and accepted the hairpin when I suddenly
realized what threw them in such utter turmoil. It were the expressions
'luck', 'love' and 'Hajime' together in one sentence. It was a concept they
couldn't imagine. Hajime had been right, bringing our sons along would have
caused some heart-attacks.

Misao, of course, was already cheering up "So this is why you have green eyes."
She giggled and I joined in  "Yes."

Misao was peeking through the shouji and judging the development of the
preparations "Let us go out, and start with the ceremony."

The ceremony itself was short, only Hiko, Battousai's master, interfered with
his famous self-sufficiency right in the middle of the ceremony, but the
meaning behind was good-hearted so nobody minded. I had recognised him at
first sight, Kyoto and the mountains around had been a small place during the

The exchange of gifts took sometime as always on marriage ceremonies, and we
offered wine and an ornate fan to the Himura's.
They got rather interesting presents from the other guests as well:
Herbs from Dr. Genzai, an inking and fireworks from 'Okina', a fertile goddess
from the Shinomori's (the basic idea was clear) silk and preserved meat from
Sekihara and Tsubame.

The food offered afterwards was excellent, obviously not prepared by the bride
as I was informed by Hajime. We enjoyed ourselves talking about old times with
everyone. I had beaten some sense into Hajime for some days and he managed to
be quite friendly to Sagara. Luckily Sagara missed some naughty comments from
Hajime, for he simply did not get the point.

Hiko was using his charms on EVERY halfway grown-up women in the yard, what
included me, too. Visibly young girls like Misao and Kaoru didn't arouse
his interest. What an odd behaviour...

Hajime wasn't very pleased with this perspective and
he had a hard time to keep Hiko away from me. For some time I saw a slight
chance for Hiten Mitsurgi Ryu againt Hajime's Gatotsu in the yard, but they
had enough sense left not to ruin the Himura's household again. Of course
that did not hinder them to exchange deadly glares the whole day and evening.

I left the two roosters alone and looked around, just in time to see Battousai
giving the Kamiya girl a light kiss on her mouth, observed by nearly

Sagara ended the awkward situation by roaring inadequately loud through
the yard "Hey now! Save all of that for later! Lets celebrate!"

I could tell with one look that Kaoru wasn't very pleased by this interruption
of her kiss with Kenshin but we all greeted Sagara's suggestion and helped
ourselves with alcoholic beverages.

And well, the evening and the night... the men were consuming sake freely,
even Hajime as I noticed with discomfort. Though he stopped the excessive
drinking he had done during the time I met him and the early days of the
Meiji, he still tended to be violent when drunk. I seriously hoped  that Sagara
would choose his words well and that Hiko kept his hands by himself
before the whole gathering ended in a blood-shed.

As I had told Hajime before I didn't want to be among the first to leave,
since we would have time enough later for us alone. We had been given a room
in Sekihara Tae's restaurant and we didn't need to go home this night.
We had already left our belongings for the night there.

While I observed the men from a corner of my eyes, I had to divide my attention
to follow the conversation of the women around me.

Misao just proudly told us everything she had done to make Aoshi smile -without
success- and I decided it was time to end the charade
"So when are you due, Shinomori Misao?"

All turned their heads attentively around, having heard my last sentence.

Hajime was about to say something to Shinomori, but a glance from me at him
was enough. It would surely have been rude.

Battousai was astonished as much as Hajime, but had more manners left
as he smiled proudly at Misao
"I know you could do it, Misao."

"Uh, right when spring sets in."

Visibly she was surprised at my awareness, but who could fool a woman
who had three own sons of her own...
"I congratulate you both."
I couldn't help, but I knew my sadness was shining through, the sake was
working. I still didn't have a daughter.

Hajime shifted uncomfortably under my gaze, somehow he felt guilty because of
the THREE sons I had to endure, and he reached out for the sake.

"I think Saitou has the right idea. We should drink up."
Sagara exclaimed enthusiastically.

I got over to Kaoru and the doctor together with Misao to gossip a bit
and let our men dream about 'good old times'.

As it was her manner, Misao blurted out her question directly
"So are you nervous about tonight?"

Kaoru nearly chocked on her sake, no wonder, considering what had happened.
Hajime had told me about the whole affair, tonight she and Battousai
would discover if the young man had really raped her.
Noticing her discomfort, but misjudging it, Misao continued
"Don't worry, Kaoru. It will all be fine. If Kenshin makes love the way he
lives, you have nothing to worry about." Misao ensured her encouragingly.
"I am sure he will take good care in not hurting you too much."

"Hurting me?" Kaoru stammered, playing the innocent... she wasn't a good
actress, but for this time and our mood it was enough.

I better interfered before Misao scared poor Kaoru to death
"Yes, it hurts to have your virginity taken. But when you love that person
it doesn't hurt at all."

They all stared at me, still the concept of me being in love with Hajime
didn't get into their brains.
"I know you wouldn't believe me when I tell you this, but Saitou was so very
tender with me our first time. You wouldn't know it looking at him as he is."

Well, NOW I received glares from Hajime, though he surely couldn't hear us,
he knew quite well what I was telling. I would have to pay for that later...
as for many other things this day.
Though it wasn't 100% the truth I had told, it had the desired effect:
Kaoru was distracted from her misery.

But Misao couldn't keep her mouth shut.
"Really? Aoshi was rather rough on me, my first time. But it wasn't cruel
or mean. It was just the moment that seized the both of us and gave us
the most wonderful experiences of our lives. We both wanted to hurry"
as if Hajime and I hadn't be alike... "and see what was on the end of the
tunnel. Afterwards, we just considered ourselves to be married."
She laughed nervously, exposing this all to us, but she wanted to share it
and continued "My only regret is, that he hadn't smiled for me yet.
But he smiled like an idiot, when I told him that I was pregnant."
Misao lovingly rubbed her belly.

"Misao, I would like to hear this story someday." Kaoru said sincerely.
Well, she surely had a need for romantic stories like this.

Our rants as well as the one of the men continued for quite some time,
but soon Sagara choose with his incredible lack of tact the most
vulgar good-bye I could think of.

Megumi accompanied him to make sure he got safely to the Akabeko and soon
Aoshi and Misao followed what left me and Hajime behind with Kenshin and Kaoru.

NOW Kaoru looked panicking and I gave her the last sake
"Here, drink the rest of this, it will warm you from inside."

Gladly she accepted and with incredible speed she drank the last pitcher.
Well, it hadn't been my intention to make her drunk, but when it helped her...
"Better now?"

She nodded thankfully and I snuck a glance at Hajime, who was more then ready
to go. Then I realised the glimmer of lust in his eyes *oh, so that's
how it is, Hajime* I nodded him to signalise my readiness to leave...
and my readiness for his intention.

With some last words of encouragement to Kaoru I left the Kamiya dojo
together with Hajime.
"Goodbye, Kaoru. I will come to see you again. Have a good night."
There was no way on earth I would ever be friends with this naive girl,
but it couldn't hurt to keep some contact.

"Good night, Batt... Himura."
Even Hajime had kept his promise, even when it was only for this day.

The walk to the Akabeko wasn't far and soon we had reached our
place for the night. Happy to be alone with Hajime, even when it
was only for one night, I dropped everything possible. The mischief
glim in his eyes became stronger and finally I found myself on the futon,
undressed as well as he was. I guess we behaved like little kids, like
the time when we first had met and we were just at the beginning of
enjoying ourselves.

It was just then, when I had found a very special sensitive spot on Hajime
with my mouth, that the shouji to our room was ripped aside and someone was
leaning lazily at the frame, observing us. I nearly choked on my occupation.
"Hey! Should you be doing this in her condition, Mr. Ice?"

It was maybe one of the few times I was really shocked. The inexpressible
The mistake made by Sagara this time had crossed the line... obviously he
thought we were the Shinomoris, confounded with the rooms. To say Hajime was
upset, was an understatement. He was furious. Throwing
a blanket over me and beaming up was one fluid movement
"Oh, really? What condition is that, moron?"

Maybe Sagara was more shocked, scared to death than I had ever seen
someone. If there hadn't been a wall behind him, he would have fallen
on the floor.
He yelled down the whole house, I thought I would be deaf by his voice
as he started to bring some space between him and Hajime and ran away.
Maybe he thought Hajime wouldn't kill him in front of witnesses.

"I hope I don't remember it tomorrow. URG!"
Sagara exclaimed while rumbling down the stairs, Hajime already closely behind
him... Hajime only with a small blanket around his hips. I better
watched for them and quickly I threw the yukata over me.

I came just in time to witness Hajime knocking the sake pitcher out of
Sagara's grasp. Maybe this was for the best, the young man had already
had enough alcohol. Hajime's voice was matching Sagara's in loudness
"I want you to know you have embarrassed my wife. I should kill you, moron!"

Embarrassing me? Sometimes Hajime was incredible sweet... no way I would ever
tell him.

Well, Hajime was fuming mad and I prepared to interfere, but one of the
other men stood between the two contrahents.
"I really don't know what happened, but it will stay between you and him."
With that the young man punched Sagara as hard as he could, knocking him out.
In this stadium this surely wasn't a difficult task.
"See, all better now."

Hajime was still trying to get his rage under control, it was for sure not
easy with the sake in his veins.
"Hajime?" I almost whispered, but he heard me. "Come back, this isn't worth
to disturb our evening."

Grumbling, with a last rough foot-kick at Sagara, he submitted and came
back to me.

It took me some time to get him back into the mood he was before the
interruption, but this being one of the scarce nights we were without
our boys, I didn't want to have our fun spoiled.

Tomorrow we would be back in our house, we still could sleep and recover
there... and in some days we would leave for Hokkaido.

But about this maybe in another journal.

Saitou Tokio


started: February 2002
finished: December 2002
first posted: January 9th 2003

I hope you liked it =^^=

Ja ne,

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