Yeah! Finally I got this page running... still under contruction, but the most important things are working (at last I hope). There are already VERY, VERY good English pages about BotI on the web so that I feel that it is better to give you the links to these pages instead of dilletanly trying to make a page by myself.

There ARE a few things I want to have on my page though....
I'll scan some parts of the manga soon (unfortunately I only own the series up to volume 12... ) and I'll put up the ISBN-numbers of the Japanese version. Sorry, but I don't own the Dark Horse volumes... but the ISBN-numbers of the American volumes should be found in one of the links on this page.


Manga-scans (coming soon)
(only to give you an impression =^^=, this Manga is a MUST!)


Examples of the great artwork from BotI
(parts of the homepages you find down this page):
[Page 1: coloured] [Page 2: black/white]
[Page 2: Anotsu/Makie]


ISBN-numbers (coming soon)


Well then, on to the links

[Blade of the Immortal, Homepage 1]
A VERY good page with a good character's guide and some great scans. You don't want to miss it!

[Blade of the Immortal, Homepage 2]
:Also VERY informative... there are great wallpapers on this page. I found the background for my screen there.
You want to know what I have as a background for my computer? =^^= ok.... click

[Blade of the Immortal, Homeage 3]
Some more useful information and some more scans from the art work.
I promise you: when you had a look at these pages, you'll understand why I didn't want to put too much work on a own BotI-web-page. These sites contain already A LOT of useful information.


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