Welcome to Maoco
Dear visitor,

Maoco Island is an island that is located in the Indian Ocean, roughly between the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Kanganga Island and the island Mauritius.

Not many people have ever heard of Maoco. It is a typical island that has been isolated from the rest of the world by choice. The dictatorial governement of the past thirty years has prohibited any form of tourism or immigration to the island, and has never encouraged any modernisation that would stimulate interactions with other countries.

Moaco has always been able to provide food and other means for their own population, and has never been fiercly attacked by foreign military forces, thanks to the many reefs and rocks that serve as protection against intruding ships entering the bay, which is the only place where ships can land. 

Since the revolution of 2003 however, things are changing. The new government has installed a Development Department, which is responsible for the modernisation of Maoco. Our main goal is to improve the living-standards for the population on the island. The development includes building houses, schools and hospitals, improving infrastructure, agriculture, the fishing industry, education et cetera.

At the moment the Moacoan government is also opening its borders for small amounts of tourists. According to king George Cantleton IV the idea of the open-door-policy is
"to put Moaco on the worldmap, in order to increase trade and tourism so the people of Moaco can benefit and the country can grow to live up to modern standards ". In order to stimulate the new economy the Development Department has recently started with the construction of an airport.

This website, hosted by the Development Department, underlines the open-door-policy and allowes you to learn more about Moaco Island. It is our goal to welcome you and other tourists to our Island within the next five years.

Prince M.C.M. Dosvado El Drango

Head of the Development Department
Williamsquare, Moaco Island
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