About Me:

>Hey, my name is Manuel Torres and I study at ITW David Speer academy and i'm a sophomore my goal is to work so I could help my family in Mexico also to study very hard in order to get a very cool job. 'm thinking of agriculture because I like building things i'm very creative and positive, I like many things I like to play with animals and I like music specially rock and rap there not many interesting things about me or useful at least but i'm happy for what I can do so I can live with that, right now the only big obstacle I have is finishing high school.

I'm not very interested in entering college basically because I just don't think I belong there but since most job require college I have no choice in the matter but I can still live with that and if I do manage to get in wouldn't know nothing because I don't know names of many colleges but I still have a lot of hope and that's what keeps me going but even though I don't like college there still are some programs i'm interested...


College Location cost
DePaul University chicago 16,237
Kendall colloge chicago 12,974
Columbia colloge chicago 13,294


  1. Cooking Programs
  2. Aerospace Programs
  3. Art Programs

I did not get accepted into any of these yet, I am still waiting on an answer