Wu Song Fa

Praying Mantis Shifu

The information presented in this chart was collected from different sources -see Bibliography-, therefore the romanizations in Pinyin according to the Mandarin pronunciation of the characters sometimes is not available. If you find any mistakes or inaccuracies please contact me.

Student of shifu Liu Yun Qiao.
Shifu Wu Song Fa was born in Malaysia in 1942 and his father was killed during Japanese Occupation (about a month before he was born).
Shifu Wu Song Fa was very enthusiastic in Chinese martial arts ever since he was young. He acquired his basic knowledge in martial art at Jing Wu Sport Organization when he was in primary school. After graduating from high school, shifu Wu Song Fa furthered his studies in Taiwan. During leisure time, he sought everywhere to find a master who could teach him martial arts. Finally, shifu Wu Song Fa met up with shifu Liu Yun Qiao and since then shifu Wu Song Fa learned under shifu Liu Yun Qiao. After a series of challenges and tests, shifu Liu Yun Quai accepted him as a disciple.
Shifu Wu Song Fa was under shifu Liu Yun Qiao's coaching for years. Through the years, shifu Wu Song Fa trained for six hours everyday. During that period, shifu Wu Song Fa was trainer for the National Chinese Taiwan Ministry of Education Sports Section Head. In addition, shifu Wu Song Fa was coach of the Chinese National Martial Art Research Organization and chief editor of "Wutan" Magazine.
After shifu Wu Song Fa returned to Malaysia he continued to promote Chinese martial arts. He currently lives and teaches in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Shifu Wu Song Fa is advisor of the Ba Ji Quan committee in Taiwan, and founder of "Wutan Ba Ji Quan Ba Gua Zhang Academy". Besides that, shifu Wu Song Fa teaches at Klang Hin Hua Secondary School and Sepang Institute of Technology. Shifu Wu Song Fa has more than 200 students in Malaysia, Indonesia and even UK.
Besides that, shifu Wu Song Fa is also a tenor singer in a choir, conductor in a choir and Chinese calligrapher. He also writes article on music using Song Zi as his pseudonym.

Page Updated: 1st January 2002.
If you have comments please contact me !! Fernando Blanco Dopazo .

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