Eduardo Rodrigues

Praying Mantis Shifu

The information presented in this chart was collected from different sources -see Bibliography-, therefore the romanizations in Pinyin according to the Mandarin pronunciation of the characters sometimes is not available. If you find any mistakes or inaccuracies please contact me.

His first instructor was shifu Hermes Israel Martins in Brazil (Mei Hua Tang Lang under shifu Lee Lung Chi and Qi Xing Tang Lang student under shifu Yuan Wen Jie).
When shifu Hermes Martins stood back of gong fu and stopped teaching actively, he recommended his student (shifu Eduardo Rodrigues) to train in Hong Kong under shifu shifu Yuan Wen Jie.
Shifu Rodrigues studied with shifu Yuan Wen Jie in 1995 and 1996. In 1995 he spent approximately 70 days in Hong Kong. The second time, in 1996, he was approximately 30 days.
Shifu Rodrigues returned to Brazil as representative of shifu Yuan Wen Jie.

Page Updated: 1st July 2005.
If you have comments please contact me !! Fernando Blanco Dopazo .

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