Feng Huan Yi

Praying Mantis Shifu

The information presented in this chart was collected from different sources -see Bibliography-, therefore the romanizations in Pinyin according to the Mandarin pronunciation of the characters sometimes is not available. If you find any mistakes or inaccuracies please contact me.

His name is also romanized as:
Fen Huan I / Fong Hua Yi
Born in the city of Yan Ti (Shan Dong Province) in 1879. In a poem he wrote about his teachers (including names) it is obvious that shifu Feng Huan Yi traveled around and learned from many different people. Shifu Feng Huan Yi was a confident young man, he trained hard and had won many fights. According to shifu Xun Guang Long, shifu Feng Huan Yi had studied Shuai Jiao and Eagle Claw and had become well known as a tough fighter. However, shifu Paul Lin has mentioned that shifu Feng Huan Yi is not in the lineage of Shuai Jiao and he in Shandong at the time could not have had exposure to this art.
Being an acomplished fighter, it was a real shock for shifu Feng Huan Yi when a friend defeated him. This friend studied Mei Hua Tang Lang Praying Mantis under a student of shifu Jiang Hua Long. Shifu Feng Huan Yi begged his friend to share his techniques but he refused. Therefore, shifu Feng Huan Yi went directly to the school of shifu Jiang Hua Long.
Once he was allowed into shifu Jiang Hua Long's school it was still necessary for him to prove that he was a dedicated student. Shifu Feng Huan Yi spent six years working at the school, cleaning and cooking and was only allowed to participate in the basic physical drills. Then, finally after all of this time shifu Jiang Hua Long took special notice of shifu Feng Huan Yi.
Shifu Jiang Hua Long had something special in mind for his young student. Shifu Feng Huan Yi was to be the first to learn the new Eight Step Praying Mantis. Shifu Feng Huan Yi eventually mastered the new footwork so well that those that witnessed his agile movements named him "Ghost Shadow". Shifu Jiang Hua Long continued to teach everything he know to shifu Feng Huan Yi until his death.
Shifu Feng Huan Yi was now the 2nd generation master of Eight Steps Praying Mantis. He had learned the entire system of fighting, which included hands techniques, long and short range techniques, as well as pressure points and ground techniques.
But the growth of Eight Step Praying Mantis did not stop with shifu Jiang Hua Long. Shifu Feng Huan Yi combined Eight Step Praying Mantis with throwing techniques and joint locks thus further refined the style.
Shifu Feng Huan Yi had long arms and legs. He was able to cover up long distant faster than others and in Ba Bu Tang Lang Quan tradition it is said that no one could run away from his forward attacks (Tsan bu and tou bu).
Shifu Feng Hua Yi was having tea one day in a local teahouse when a fight broke out. One man seeing this as an opportunity kicked over the table were shifu Feng Hua Yi sat and as he jumped out of the way, the attacker quickly stabbed him with a knife. The group of men at the teahouse immediately saw that they might have a chance to defeat this famous master in hope of instant fame. They then chased after shifu Feng Huan Yi who fled not wishing to get involved in such a foolish situation.
Running out of the village shifu Feng Huan Yi came across a small hut. Seeing that this man was badly hurt, the owner of the house hid him inside. As the villagers caught up they demanded to know if this man had seen anyone run past. The man said that he had just seen a man go by and that he had continued running down the path and out of view. Shifu Feng Huan Yi had spent a few days recuperating when on morning he went outside to see the man who had helped, participating in some activity with his son. He asked what it was that he was teaching his son. The man replied that he was teaching him gong-fu. Amused, Feng Huan Yi said that his son was likely to be killed if he were to attempt to use such techniques.
Becoming quite angry with this seemingly ungrateful man, he demanded to know who he was to be qualified to make such a statement. When he knew it was shifu Feng Huan Yi, the man begged that his attitude be forgiven and that he please teach his son.
Shifu Feng Huan Yi's new pupil was shifu Wei Xiao Tang. This young boy would spend his life studying Eight Steps Praying Mantis Boxing and was destined to become the 3rd generation master.
Shifu Feng Huan Yi was an excellent gong-fu man who kept fighting successfully until very advanced age.

Page Updated: 1st October 2004.
If you have comments please contact me !! Fernando Blanco Dopazo .

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