Dwight Edwards

Praying Mantis Shifu

The information presented in this chart was collected from different sources -see Bibliography-, therefore the romanizations in Pinyin according to the Mandarin pronunciation of the characters sometimes is not available. If you find any mistakes or inaccuracies please contact me.

Shifu Dwight Edwards has started training martial arts around 1973. He has studied, Tai Ji Quan, Shori Goju Karate, Wing Chun, Escrima/Kali, Shaolin Quan and Tang Lang Quan.
Since 1987 he has devoted to studying and researching Chen Tai Ji Quan and Qi Xing Tang Lang Quan, both of which he teaches in Peoria, Illinois.
He is a 2nd level Black belt under shifu Jon Funk and an instructor in Chen Tai Ji Quan under shifu Yang Yang, a disciple of Master Feng Zhi Qiang.

Page Updated: 1st September 2006.
If you have comments please contact me !! Fernando Blanco Dopazo .

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