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Charen Phorn all Khon Thai in the Dhamma,

I have read some articles through Internet Website regarding the dispute that has been arising among Khon Thai in Malaysia. As one of Khon Thai,  I felt very sorry to hear that there is an altercation among Khon Thai ourselves. After reading some of your opinions, I could say that you are arguing on a trivial manner, which is not conducive to peace, prosperity and unity of our Thai people. I hope all of you don’t mind if I express my frank opinion related to this matter. First of all, I would like to inform everybody that all of my notions are according to Buddhist attitude.

As learned people, everybody should think in a positive way. Now we are quarrelling about the status of our race whether Thai or Siam. According to my view the etymological definition is not so important. Whatever we want to call we can do so. The most important is how far has our people developed. Do you think by getting an answer on a useless question will induce our people to peace, happiness, prosperity and unity? In Aranna Sutta of Majjhima Nikaya of Sutta Pitaka, the Buddha advised His disciples not to attach to the etymological definition. Our aims are the same, to make our nation developed, successful and have equal opportunities comparing to other nations. I'm fully hoped that whatever Persatuan which using the name of Thai or Siam must be based on the Dhamma.

To make a better understanding, I would like to give some similes. Imagine an Englishman, a Thaiman, a Malayman, a Chinese Hokkienman and a Sri Lankanman all looking at sugar. The Englishman says, that’s sugar. The Thaiman answers, No it’s not. It’s Nam Tarn. The Malayman comments, You’re both wrong. It’s gula. The Chinese Hokkien laughs at the others and says, What fools you are. It’s Pek Theung. And the Sri Lankanman replies, neither of you are correct. It’s Sini. The Englishman gets an Oxford dictionary and shows it to the others saying? I can prove that it is sugar. My dictionary says so. Then your dictionary is wrong, says the Thaiman, because my dictionary clearly says it is Nam Tarn. The Chinese scoffs at them My dictionary is thousands of years older than yours, so my dictionary must be right. And besides, more people speak Chinese than any other language, so it must be Pek Theung. While they are squabbling and arguing with each other? a Buddhist monk approaches, takes the sugar preparing a drink, mixing that sugar and drinks. After he has drunk, he says to the others, Whether you call it Sugar, Nam Tarn, Pek Theung, Gula or Sini, the purpose of the sugar is to be used. Stop arguing and drink, stop quarrelling and refresh your thirst. Although different type of calling the sugar, it has only one taste, that is sweetness. The quality of it cannot merely change by the name. Even so, the meaning of Thai or Siam. It has different pronunciations but only the same meaning.

If our people can live together in peaceful manner, prosperous and equivalent to the standard of other nations, it doesn’t matter what we call Thai or Siam. This is the Buddhist attitude to make a clear understanding towards the misconception in our brains. Buddhism accepts only the Truth and there are two kinds of Truths; Sammuti Sacca (Conventional Truth) and Paramattha Sacca (Ultimate Truth) but the Buddha appreciated only the Ultimate Truth. So please think in a positive and progressive ways. As far as I know, our Thai people especially the leaders are full of envy, jealousy, malice and so on, which are leading to the destruction of Khon Thai ourselves. You know that all of these feelings are the hindrances of peace, development, happiness, prosperity and unity in our society.

I would like to give another similes. If you learn Buddhism thoroughly, the names of the Buddha according to Pali language were of various kinds. Before His Enlightenment, He was known as Siddhattha Gotama but after His Enlightenment He was known of various names such as Buddha, Bahgavantu, Dasabala; Sugata; Muninda; Sabbannu, Sakyasiha, Sakyamuni, Sattha, Tathagata, Naga and many more to be mentioned here. Whatever people might call Him, His qualities of Phra Karunadhiguna (Compassionate) Phra Borisuddhiguna (Pureness) and Phra Panyadhiguna (Wisdom) had never disappeared from Him. Although people called Him of various names, He never said that they were wrong. That was the thinking way of the Noble Person who had completely eradicated Craving (Raga), Hatred (Dosa) and Ignorance (Moha). For ignorant people like us, only two different names were used but make thousands confusions to the massive people all over the world. Presently almost all of the Buddhist scholars use only the word Buddha because it is well known to everybody. We can hardly see the other names except the word Buddha in many discourses, which had been translated from Pali to English or any other languages. Even our country, Malaysia previously was known as Tanah Melayu and Malaya but later was changed to the present name. If we ask whether the words Tanah Melayu and Malaya are correct or not; they are both correct in the past 40 years ago but another name has been using in the present. So, what is the use of using a word which is not acquainted?

I personally think that we had better used the word Thai because it is recognized globally. When I have been abroad, I realize that almost no one knows Siam but if I said Nationality Malaysian and Race Thai most of people know and it is also recognizable. If we refer to a dictionary, the word Thai is derived from Siam. In ancient time Thailand and Thai people were known as Siam but later it was changed. Even, I inquired some of my colleagues living in Shan Hill Tracts, a part of Myanmar who are Nationality Myanmar and Race Thai. They were formerly identified as Siam but Burmese pronounced as Shan and when it was changed to Thai they also followed. So, we had better used the word Thai which is accepted worldwide. Whenever I fill in any important documents I declared myself as Thai although in my birth certificate is stated as Siam.

I do not compel anybody to follow or believe me. It depends on individuality. Even the Buddha advised to Kalama people in Kalama Sutta of Anguttara Nikaya of Sutta Pitaka that we should not blindly believe but rather question, examine, inquire and rely on our own experience. He said thus; Do not go by revelation or tradition, do not go by rumour, or the sacred scriptures, do not go by hearsay or mere logic, do not go by bias towards a notion or by another person’s seeming ability and do not go by the idea. He is our teacher. But when you yourselves know that a thing is good, that it is not blamable, that is praised by the wise and when practised and observed that is leads to happiness, then follow that things.

So, for this crucial time, please forget about the useless matter. Work together with diligence, unselfishness and push Khon Thai to the highest standard globally.

In my conclusion, I would like to advise all of our Khon Thai to lead our daily life according to the Noble Eight-Fold Path, which was expounded by the Buddha. The Buddha admonished His disciples thus; Sabbapapassa akaranam, kusalassa upasampada, sacitta pariyodapanam, Etam Buddhana Sasanam. (Not to do any evil, to cultivate good and to purify one’s mind. This is the teaching of the Buddhas.

If any mistakes are found in this small article, they’re only my fault. I hope all of our beloved Thai people will get some ideas and benefits from this article

Namo Buddhaya (Charen Thai, Charen Thai, Charen Thai

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

May all dreams of KhonThai in Malaysia become true!

(Idam no yatinam hotu sukhita hotu ya tayo)


Prepared by;

Phra Phian Saccavaro, Wat Phikulthong Vararam, Kelantan, E-mail: [email protected]

on 19-12-02
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