<BGSOUND SRC="Iris3.mid">
Hi, my femme name is Mandi Sue Attheart. I am a male heterosexual crossdresser.  My background is pretty normal.  I was a very active little boy and spent a lot of time on the family farm roaming the field and woods and exploring mother nature's world.  I played alot of sports and was average or better at most.  I was especially good at football because I was very agressive.  In short, I was a typical and very active little boy. To everyone around me I was quite the little man.  However at the age of about 8, I had discovered a whole new world that none of them knew about.  I had many female cousins and spent a lot of time at theirs houses and they spent a lot of time at mine.  One day I tried on a dress in the laundry room and have been hooked ever since.  My family was very religious and the male and female roles were very well defined so I was very caeful to not get caught and was sucessful. I survived both my school years and a military career without getting caught.  I am now married with children and the wife and kids all know because I told the wife and together we told the kids.  I wear dresses at home regularly and they are all ok with it and in fact sometimes request it becuase I am so much more pleasant when I am wearing a dress. My religious background has made it difficult sometimes and I fight major feelings of guilt and shame at times.  However , I deal with it pretty good most of the time.  I like dressing in public and would do it more except that I am concerned about the impact it would have on my wife and kids if the neighborhood found out. It has been quite an adventure and I doubt that the adventure will end anytime soon.  This web page is my main way of introducing Mandi Sue to the rest of the world.

Oh, and if you are overly sensitive or serious about crossdressing, you may want to avoid the humor page. I believe that laughter is critical to the survial of a crossdresser , including laughing at ourselves.
A collection of Mandi's photos, both old and new.
Mandi's Mayhem
The humor section.  A place for laughter and fun.
A collection of poetry related to crossdresser issues and feelings.  Some funny, some serious.
Poetry Pavilion
Links to helpful tips and thanks to  those who contributed to this web page by allowing use of graphics, etc.
Lots of Links
To contact Mandi, you need to post in her guestbook.
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