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Juzgados para Violencia....en UK

De: "A. L. D. S"
Fecha:: dom mar 26, 2006  11:18 pm
Asunto:: Juzgados para Violencia....en UK

En otros paises se estan implantando igual tipo de leyes que aqui. Lo mismo
está asi dispuesto en otros sitios.......
Lean la noticia, es facil de entender. Un saludo


The Sunday Times

March 26, 2006
Court scheme takes on domestic violence

THE Scottish executive is to set up a network of dedicated domestic violence
courts to tackle soaring levels of household abuse, writes Kathleen Nutt.

The move follows a successful pilot scheme in Glasgow that has fast-tracked
trials and led to a dramatic increase in successful convictions and guilty

The court, which sits every day, has a conviction rate of 75%, compared with
just 8% in some parts of the country. In addition, more than 40% of cases
are settled with a guilty plea, more than double the rate in mainstream

As a result, many vulnerable women are spared the trauma of giving evidence
against their husbands or boyfriends.

The speed with which the cases are brought to court also reduces the chances
of further intimidation or of having second thoughts about pressing charges.

Ministers now intend to introduce similar courts in Edinburgh, Aberdeen and
Dundee to tackle the growing problem of domestic abuse.

According to the most recent figures, almost 44,000 cases of domestic abuse
were reported to the police in 2004, compared with 39,000 the previous year.
About half of all women murdered are killed by husbands or ex-husbands and
one in five women has suffered abuse at the hands of a boyfriend or former

Research carried out by the Scottish executive found that, on average, women
are assaulted 35 times by their boyfriends before contacting the police.

Mhairi McGowan, co-ordinator of the Assist project, which supports women
going through the domestic violence court, said: “Cases go ahead six weeks
after the accused has entered a not-guilty plea — in a normal court it would
probably be 12 to 18 weeks.

“It means there is less time for the accused to try and persuade the victim
not to give evidence and also less time in which the accused could be
harassing his victim.”

McGowan said the domestic violence court had improved the standard of
evidence collection by the police and had led to victims receiving the
latest information in a case.

Under the scheme women are also contacted by Assist staff immediately after
reporting an incident to the police to make sure they and their children
will remain safe once their lover is released from custody.

“Domestic abuse is unlike any other crime, it’s not like house-breaking or
robbery or drug dealing,” said McGowan. “You are dealing with a specific
complex set of circumstances in which the offender and victim are intimately
connected. It is appropriate that the court system recognises that
difference with specialist courts.”

In its first year the domestic violence court dealt with more than 600

Mary Lockhart, spokeswoman for Scottish Women’s Aid, said she was delighted
that the scheme was to be launched in Scotland’s cities. “Courts are often
hostile places for witnesses, but a specialist court on domestic violence
allows for the creation of a constructive atmosphere,” she said.

The Scottish executive said: “The pilot has been very encouraging. England
has extended its pilot and we will be looking to see what we can learn from
how it was rolled out there.”

Transl by A L D S

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...Ahora hay leyes que convierten en Delito que un hombre y su hijo, en
silencio, se mire

...Ya hay propuestas de ley que condenan con cárcel al padre si el niño
expresa su deseo de ir a vivir con él.

...Si un Hombre va a denunciar que es víctima de Malos Tratos... 

Suelen brotar  sonrisas incrédulas e irónicas  de los rostros de Funcionarios Públicos.

Demasiados Hombres son víctimas de Malos Tratos por parte de sus parejas, Malos tratos (psicológicos, físicos) que con demasiada frecuencia provocan el Suicidio del Maltratado.

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