There is very srong debate in the pagan community on the many differences between Druidry and Wicca and many feel that they are incompatible with one another.

My personal thoughts on the matter is that not only are they compatible, but they should very well go hand in hand with one another. 
Druidry is considered by far to be the older of the two faiths, originating first on Continental Europe before migrating across the English channel into Wales, Britain, Scotland and Ireland. Wicca is believed to be Anglo-Saxon in origin and arrived much later on the scene. However, the similarities between Druidry and its sister faith, Wicca cannot be denied.

1. Both faiths honor the Earth and strive to protect Her.
2. Both faiths believe that Diety is both male and female.
3. Both believe in many gods and goddesses.
4. Both celebrate the same 8 holidays, or Sabbats.
5. Both are part of the growing Neo-pagan movement drawing their inspirations from ancient paths.
6. Both practice some form of magic and ritual.
7. Both perform their rituals in a circle, alone or in groups.
8. Both believe that with enough knowledge and faith that they can control the elements including fire, water, air and the weather.
9. Both are peaceful in nature.
10. Both males and females can be priests and priestesses.

Now, there are differences between Druidry and Wicca but their differences are minor.
1. Druids desire their groves to be large and public inclusive while Wiccans desire smaller covens and ceremonies are normally private.
2. Druids worship more than one god or goddess and do not try to tie them together as being united.  Wiccans believe in the Lord and the Lady and are known to say, "All Gods are aspects of one God. All Goddesses are aspects of one Goddess.". In other words, many Wiccans believe Brigit, Hecate, Diana and Hera as the same Goddess and Cernunnos, Dagdha, Zeus, Apollo and Jupiter as the same God.
3. Druid circles are open and magic comes from the center. Wiccan circles are closed and are used as a barrier against negative energy.
4. Druid ritual is centered more along strengthening the bonds with one's ancestors and spiritual natures; magic is secondary in nature. Wiccans concentrate more on spells and magic than druids do.
5. While druids focus ritual mainly on solar festivals, Wiccans also include a monthly full moon festival..

As you can see, the differences between the two are miniscule compared to their common ground. It is also not very uncommon for druids to adopt Wiccan rituals and vice versa. So what's the beef? I couldn't tell you because the argument is silly to me.

As brothers and sisters of Earth, let us celebrate our common interests and leave the bickering to politicians (and they call US evil?).

Manannan Mac Lyr

source: The Sonoran Sunrise Grove ADF, located in Tuscon Arizona.
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