" disp=disp+" "; frames[0].document.write(disp) frames[0].document.close(); } function write2(){ disp="

Queen Elizabeth (1900-2002), als called mum, was indeed 101 years (!) old when she died.
"; disp=disp+"If you are interested in her live, please look at her memorial site

" ; disp=disp+" " disp=disp+" "; frames[1].document.write(disp) frames[1].document.close(); } function write3(){ disp="

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), was indeed 78 years old when he died.
"; disp=disp+"His life has been an example for all the people in the world.
" disp=disp+"He answered violence with peace. Learn more about him on this Ghandi site

" ; disp=disp+" " disp=disp+" "; frames[2].document.write(disp) frames[2].document.close(); } function write4(){ disp="

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963), was indeed only 46 years old when he was murdered in Dalles in 1963.
"; disp=disp+"His positive view stimulated people to reach for and to achieve the unreachable.
" disp=disp+"Learn more about hise life on the JFK Library & Museum site

" ; disp=disp+" " disp=disp+" "; frames[3].document.write(disp) frames[3].document.close(); } function write5(){ disp="

Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821), died at Longwood House (St. Helena) on 5 May 1821. He only got 51 years old.
"; disp=disp+"Although he was known as The Emperor, his contribution to the development of Europe on the level of state- and legislation-organisation was substantial."; disp=disp+"Read more about him and his quotes on The Napoleonguide

" ; disp=disp+" " disp=disp+" "; frames[4].document.write(disp) frames[4].document.close(); } function write6(){ disp="

Jesus (0-33), died at the age of 33.
"; disp=disp+"Through his life even nowadays we can still find the perfect example on how God meant that life should be for us as human beings.
"; disp=disp+"You don't have to argue anymore about the holy scriptures or ethics if you just look at the things Jesus did throughout his life.
"; disp=disp+"From his life we learn that it's possible to directly link
" disp=disp+"Recognition =\> Positive Action
"; disp=disp+"instead of the cycle of western logic's that states
"; disp=disp+"

Recognition =\> Consciousness =\> Thinking =\> Compromising =\> Planning =\> Decision =\> Action 

"; disp=disp+"Learn more about Jesus on Top-Religion

" ; disp=disp+" "; disp=disp+" "; frames[5].document.write(disp) frames[5].document.close(); } function write7(){ disp="

Confucius (circa 551-479 BC), was indeed about 72 years old when he died.
"; disp=disp+"His way of thinking influence the eastern and westen world even today.
" disp=disp+"Learn more about Confucius on this Learningspace

" ; disp=disp+" " disp=disp+" "; frames[6].document.write(disp) frames[6].document.close(); }

Famous people.
How old did they get?

Short-test of "age at death" of famous people

Do you know at which age these famous people died?
Do the test ! Select under each of the pictures the right age. Good luck !

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

') frames[0].document.close();

Queen Elizabeth (mum)

Queen Elizabeth (mum)

') frames[1].document.close();

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi

') frames[2].document.close();

John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy

') frames[3].document.close();

Napoleon I Bonaparte

Napoleon I Bonaparte

') frames[4].document.close();



') frames[5].document.close();



') frames[6].document.close();





J.N. Berkemeijer / October 2002
Free to copy  Managementplaza
