Name:	Alric Darkshadow 
Race:	Human
Class:	Wizard (Enchanter / prohibited Illusion)
Level:	23
		Score	Modifier     	Base + Inherent + Magic Adj.   	
Strength:	15	+2		15	none	     none
Intelligence:	34	+12	     	21	+5	     +8
Wisdom:		11	none		11	none	     none
Dexterity:	20	+7		14	+4	     +6
Constitution:	28	+9		14	+5	     +8
Charisma:	12	+1		12	none	     none
Base Attack Bonus :	+ 11 / + 6 / + 1 (& +1 to hit from Amulet)	
Initiative :	+ 11 / +15

Hit Points :		288
Armor Rating :		46	Breakdown:	Base 10  
				+ Bracers 8     + Robes 5  + An. Shield 7
				+ Dexterity 7 	+ Haste 4  + Polymorph NA 5
                	        = 46
			       (+ Rod of Flail 4  + Shield Spell 7 = 57  )

Saves:		Total	=	Base +	Attrib + Magic + Other 
Fortitude	+23		+7	+9	 +7  or more
Will 		+20		+13	none	 +7  or more
Reflex		+19		+7	+5	 +7  or more

Saving Throw Related Items:
	Cloak of Res +5		Robes of the Magi +1		Amulet : +1	
	Girdle of Dwarven Kind  (+2 vs magic and poisons)
	Rod of Flailing   +4	Spell : Protection from Spells +8
	Shield Spell		(+3 reflex saves vs area affect)

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Draconic, Terran, Orc, Goblin, Giant, 
Celestial, Abyssmal, Infernal, Ignan (fire), Undercommon,  Sylvan, 
Gith, Gnoll, 
Free for Class: 	
1.  Scribe Spell, Summon Familiar 
5.  Craft Wand			
10. Silent Spell
15. Forge Ring			
20. Craft Intelligent Item
23. Epic / Improved Spell Casting 2
For Level:
	1.  Spell/Focus -         Enchantments	
	    Spell/Focus -         Transmutation
	3.  Improved Init	
	6.  Greater Spell Focus - Enchantments
	9.  Silent Spell
	12. Greater Spell Focus - Transmutation	
	15. Bastard Sword Proficiency
	18. Still Spell
	21. Improved Critical - Bastard Sword
        23. Epic / Improved Spell Casting
	24. Epic / Improved Spell Casting

Skills:	  390 / 312  :: Note all skill checks at +1 due to amulet (luck)

Concentrate	35	Spellcraft	38		Scry	38	
Knowledges	38	Arcana, Planes, Nature, Religion
Spot		20	Base 26/2=13 + 'Eyes' 5 + Alertness 2
Tumbling	18     	(26/2=13+dex 5)			
Languages	14	Abysmal, Infernal, Ignan (fire), Undercommon, 
                        Sylvan, Gith, Gnoll

Used		246	Remaining	142/38   

Spells Memorized Normally :

Zero	4 + 0 + 1 enchantment	:	Daze 		Mage Hand x4
1st	4 + 3 + 1 enchantment:	Charm Person x 8	
2nd	4 + 3 + 1 enchantment:	TH Laughter  x 2  -  Web x 2 -  Rope trick  - Arcane Eye x 3
3rd 	4 + 3 + 1 enchantment:	H Person  -  Gr M Wpn -	Dispel M - Gas Form -Haste  x2 - Shrink x 2
4th	4 + 3 + 1 enchantment:	Charm Monster x 2 - Poly Self x2 - O Res Sph x 2 - Stoneskin - Poly Other
5th	4 + 2 + 1 enchantment:	Hold Monster - Teleport  - Wall of Force - Nondetection - Quickened True Strike x 3
6th	4 + 2 + 1 enchantment:          Mass Sugg x 2 - Flesh/Stone x2 - Greater Dispelx2 - Disintegrate
7th	4 + 2 + 1 enchantment:          Insanity - Limited Wish x3 - Spell Turning - Force Cage - Telep w/o Error
8th 	4 + 2 + 1 enchantment:          Mass Charm - Polym Any x2 - Prot/Spells - Mord M M(silent) - TK sphere
9th	4 + 1 + 1 enchantment:	Dom Monster - Wish - Wail of the B - Gate - Time Stop - Soul Bind

Note: 	4 pearls of power - level 9			Ring of Spell Storing
	Underline ones are Spell Mastered		Italics are Enchantments

10th	1 + 2	Silent Polymorph Any - Silent Dominate Monster - Silent Polymorph Any
11th 	1 + 2	Silent Still Wish - Silent Still Polymorph Any- Still Silent Gate
Permanencied Spell Effects:
Comprehend Languages	500	Detect Magic  500      See Invisible 	1000
Special Effect (Divine Gift)	Fast Healing 5 (until die once , contingency true resurrect)
.                                                                                  .

Magic Items :

Ring of Greater Sustenance 	(works with other ring)
Ring of Life Protection	(Protects the soul upon death including no level loss
			 - prevents soul trapping	
Ring of Countering (triple) : Greater Dispel, Harm, Harm
Bracers of Armor 8
:: Intelligent : Expertise, Evasion, Uncanny dodge B5, True sight
Cloak of Resistance +5
Amulet : 
 1.  Adds +1 to virtual caster level for spells & +1 to base attack, saves & skill checks
 2.  Add one spell of highest level character can cast
Ring of spell storing

Headband of Intelligence  	+8
Gloves of Dexterity 	+6

Belt of Dwarven Kind / Health +6  
Robes of the Archmagi	       (+5 AC, Spell Res 17, +1 Res, Spell Penetration)
Eyes of Minute Seeing/Eagle
Vestment of Faith                    (Stony skin Dam reduction 5/+5)
Boots of Haste

4 Pearls of Power / level 9 		
Heward's Handy Halversack		
Quiver of Elhonna
Boccob's Blessed Book
Jar of Visions (scry 1/week)

Scepter of the Red Dragon Lord      (immune to fire, etc)

Rod of Flailing	Normally kept under the influence of a 'shrink' spell		
+5 Dagger		Defender	
Shield + 4	Mithral 		Animated		Heavy Fortification	

+4 thieves tools		Crystal Ball	Bracers - negate 1 dim anchor per day	

+5 Vorpal Bastardsword : 	Halves Fortification - 20 pts resistance to all energy (relic)

Spare Boots of Haste and Rings of countering - Wands of 1st to 3rd level spells

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