A typical Battlefield 1942 user.

My point to you is this: it's now 18 months after the release of Battlefield
1942. People are still wigging on it. It's the intristic brilliance of game
design. Call of Duty lacks this. MoH has merits but has been masked and duct
taped so many times with so many expansion packs that I can't get a handle
on the core gameplay. Both MoH and CoD are just "games" that you play for a
little while, and they are OK .. they aren't without merit...but you play
them and that's that. BF42 .. it is truly amazing. The best way I know how
to describe this to you is the first time I ever saw Battlefield 1942. It
was on this map called "Midway". I spawn in .. I didn't know what to expect
.. at all. I mean, I didn't read the press releases, I didn't read previews.
I didn't know nothin' about nothin'. So, this is my very first impression ..
ever. When I spawned in .. there were these HUGE battleships .. cruisers
maybe .. firing back and forth at each other out in the sea .. something was
going on out there .. I stood there and watched it for a minute or so
thinking "DAMN . .. that's some pretty intense naval warfare going on
there." Then this submarine surfaces  .. HOLY smokes, wow ... and then I see
.. these tiny dots off in the distance going up in the air. What the hell is
that? I look closer, they are airplanes flying off an aircraft carrier and
now, they are are buzzing around these ships like flies. UNBELIEVABLE
simulation of Pacific warfare in WWII. Jhees-o-man. Then, I hear a rumble. I
look around and across this bridge here comes a damn tank! Well, what's the
button for dig a damn hole and hide in it! He doesn't notice me. Whizzes
past turns and fires at a truck looking thing (APC) with a machine gun on
it, there's a bunch of guys there firing bazookas at the guy leaving smoke
trails. Then .. all of the sudden .. ZZZZZZZZZRRRRRrrrr .. here comes this
plane out of the sky .. another one following it just firing like a madman
.. then *BOOM* *BOOM**BOOM* .. what the hell is that .. it's anti-aircraft
firing .. the one pilot does a barrel roll and flies off in to the sky with
the other plane in hot pursuit. Great googily moogily. Well, this tank ain't
wantin' no part of the Bazooka Boys so he turns and he heads right for me.
'Bout that time, ANOTHER plane comes dartin' out of the sky hell bent for
election.. and KABLAM .. dive bombed and the carcass of the tank FLEW OVER
MY HEAD .. Holy Shit, man. That was UNBELIEVABLE. Finally, some type of boat
lands and there's three guys in it, they are firing machine guns like crazy
so two other guys come over there and they get in some wicked squad battle
type thing. They end up killing those guys and taking off in a jeep.

At that point, I just turned my machine off.

I just turned it off.

I just sat there.

I didn't know what to make of the thing I just saw because ... all of those
things were ACTUAL PEOPLE doing ACTUAL THINGS on a simulated battlefield.

I been to three county fairs and a buzzard f*%^ and I ain't never seen
nothin' like that first time I saw Battlefield 1942 in full blown MAYHEM.

That was it. I pretty much don't play any other games now.

That's Battlefield 1942.

(c) JawBreaker from Usenet alt.games.battlefield1942
used with permission from JB
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