Annona Muricata
Common names: Soursop, Graviola, Guanabana. Soursop fruits are heart-shape with a rough green skin with soft fleshy spines. The flesh is juicy and slightly acidic and produces a rich creamy juice which is very refreshing.

Harvesting Period
Harvest throughout the year with peak times in October and April. Fruits are picked when their dark green colour fades to yellow green. Soften to ripe in 1 to 3 days.

Uses of Soursop
The soursop is usually processed into ice cream, sherbets, ice blended drinks or fresh juice. The medicinal properties of soursop has been known to be used  to cure the following ailments: Diarrhea, cough, asthma, hypertension, rheumatism, tumors, cancer, etc.. Please check out the following web sites for more information.

Graviola for Cancer
Research on Graviola
A friendly skeptic looks at Graviola

Quality Criteria
Market requirements state that soursop on arrival should be physically mature, firm, free from decay, bruises, insects and mechanical damage and confirm to weight and size specifications.

Harvesting is carried out in the early part of the day to avoid build-up of field heat, usually on the day of export or delivery. soursop are packed in crates with individual internal packaging to prevent fruit to fruit rubbing or puncturing.
Fresh Soursop hanging from branches and packaging during harvesting.
Market Price in Malaysia
Price per kg is between RM5 to RM6

Availability of fruits
Fruits are available on request at wholesale price direct from farm.

Ex-Farm Price is RM2.00 to RM2.50 for Grade A Fruits. Grade B and below are available upon request.

Frozen Soursop Flesh (with seeds) in 5-kg packagings (ideal for juice extraction and Suorsop Smoothie/Ice Blended Drinks) are also available upon request.
Harvesting Time
Supermarket Price: RM5.29 per kg.
It pays to buy direct from farm as the fruits displayed in supermarket show signs of decay and oxidation.
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