fairyani.gif (9001 bytes)Aloha!! Welcome to my "Little Peoples" place!.

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For some time now I have been collecting little elves figurines and thought I'd make a page about them! This page will be about Little People  of Hawaii~The  Menehune~ and The Native American "Little People". So get comfortable and here we go~

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I call him "Kimo"

The description of the Menehune vary ~Their height is said to be between six inches and three feet tall.  They have potbellies and are usually scantly dressed, but have straight knee length hair to cover themselves. Another description state they are about two to three feet tall and have distended stomachs, are hairy, muscular with bushy eyebrows over large dark eyes and a short nose. It has also be suggested that they have pointed ears!

Hawaiian families count the Menehune as their ancestral spirits and helpers.  These little people play the part of the benevolent godparents to their descendants.  Sometimes they were credited with powers like that of the Gnomes of England.  They were suppose to work only at night and accepted only  a single shrimp as payment.  They have a knowledge of stonework not seen anywhere else in the isles, and they are credited with a very ancient stonewall along the side of a very swift, flowing river and another stonewall around a large fishpond; these they finished in one night ~ Many of the ancient Temples(Heiau) were credited to the mysterious midnight laborers.

The Menehune inhabit the forests of Hawaii.  It is said that they live in lava tubes or dig holes in the ground .  when they aren't working, these little beings come out to play tricks on people.  They can be completely harmless or malicious or dangerous !

All the trees and plants in Hawaii are said to be planted by them. They ride around the isles on the backs of the seagull looking for sharks.  When a shark gets too close, the Menehune get in their canoes,paddle to the sharks and hit them with the paddle till they leave.

Another belief is that the Menehune only work at night because they are shy.  They are usually not seen unless you are a descendant and have Menehune blood.  However, you can hear them. the Menehune are fond of dancing, singing, diving off cliffs into the surf and sports.  They are afraid of the owl.

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"Little People of the Cherokee"

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The Little People of the Cherokee are a race of spirits who live in rock caves on the mountain side. They are little fellows and ladies reaching almost to your knees.  They are well shaped and handsome, and their hair so long it almost touches the ground. They are very helpful, kind hearted and great wonder workers.  They love music and spend most of their time drumming,singing and dancing.  They have a very gentle nature, but do not like to be disturbed.

Sometimes their drums are heard in lonely places in the mountains, but it is not safe to follow it, for they do not like to be disturbed at home, and will throw a spell over the stranger so he  is bewildered and loses his way and even if he does at last get back to the settlement he is like one dazed ever after.  Sometimes they will come to a house at night and the people inside hear them talking but they must not go out and in the morning they find the corn gathered or the field cleared as if a whole force of men had been at work.  If anyone should go out to watch,he would die.

When a hunter finds anything in the woods, such as a knife or a trinket, he must say,"Little People, I would like to take this" because it may belong to them and if he does not ask permission they will throw stones as him as he goes home.

Some Little People ae black, some are white and some are copper colored like the Cherokee.  Sometimes they speak in Cherokee but at other times they speak thier own"Indian" language.  Some call them"Brownies".

Little people are here to teach lessons about living in harmony with nature and with others.  There are three kinds of Little People.  the Laurel People, the Rock People and the Dogwood People.

The Rock People are the mean ones who practice"getting even" who steal children and the like.  But they are like that because their space has been invaded.

The Laurel People play tricks and are generally mischievous.  When you find children laughing in their sleep~the Laurel People are humorus and enjoy sharing joy with others.

Then there are the Dogwood People who are good and take care of people.

The lessons taught by the Little People are clear.  the Rock People teach us that if you do things to other people out of meanness or intentionally, it will come back on you.  We must always respect other people's limits and boundaries.  The Laurel People teach us that we shouldn't take the world too seriously and we must always have joy and share that joy with others.  The lessons of the Dogwood People are simple ~if you do something for someone, do it out of the goodness of your heart,  don't do it to have people obligated to you for personal gain.

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Wado !(thanks~Cherokee) and Mahalo! (thanks~Hawaiian) for visiting my page! 




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