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Quick facts on Zambia

Zambia's Coat of Arms
  • Official Name: The Republic of Zambia
  • President: Frederick T. J. Chiluba
  • Vice President: Gen. Christon Tembo
  • Size: 752,618 sq km. or 290,586 sq m.
  • Population: 9,100,000 - 12 per sq km
  • Largest cities:
    • Lusaka
    • Kitwe
    • Ndola
  • Monetary unit: Kwacha - Ngwee
  • Languages: English and 73 indigenous languages.


    1997 - 2001

    Christon Tembo, the vice president of Zambia, was born May 24,1944. An army officer by profession, he holds several diplomas from military colleges in United Kingdom. Tembo rose through the ranks to become Army Commander in 1984. He served until 1987 when he was sent into diplomatic service as Zambia's ambassador to Germany. He served for two years before he was arrested and charged with plotting a coup to topple President Kaunda . Tembo's trial was cut short when Kaunda pardoned all political prisoners in 1990.

    When the Movement for Multiparty Democracy swept into power in 1991, Tembo was made Minister of Tourism until 1995 when he was given the mines portfolio. He served briefly as Minister of Mines before he was appointed vice president on December 2, 1997.

    In mid-2001, Tembo resigned as vice president of the republic and of the ruling party MMD to form his own party. The party, FORUM for Democracy and Development (FDD), later adopted him as candidate for 2001 presidential elections.
