Lady of  the night

Gerda's orginal Dutch tut can be found here




This tutorial was done in PSP 9.
You need a good knowledge of PSP to complete the tut.
It is a long tutorial, and you have to read carefully as you go along,
but it will be worth it! :)
We're going to make everything ourselves.
The 'keigave'-tube is from Susan.

Filters needed:
*VM Toolbox - Zoom Blur ( included in the zip)
but you can also use VM Stylize works the same.
*FM Tile Tools
*Eye Candy 4000
*Flaming Pear - Flood download
download here


*166-kris.msk ,
* Preset Shape - heart1
*Top hat
*Brushes 'sr flowers'and 'gerdatekst23'
*Tubes: ' 010 ladygerdafr 2' and 'susan t619'
*Gold pattern

 Download the supplies here


Step 1

Open the '166-kris.msk' and minimize it.

Open a new transparent canvas, size 600x400 ,transparent.

Change the foreground color to   #a71700
and background to black.

Change the foreground to gradient: Style = Liniar
Angle = 45
Invert = unchecked.
Fill the canvas with the gradient.


Step 2

Change the foreground to the red color  #a71700

Add a new raster layer and fill with the color.
Layers- New Mask layer-->  from Image
Find the '166-kris.msk '
Click 'ok'.


Delete mask and reply 'yes' to the question.
Merge all layers.

FM Tile Tools -->Blend Emboss - 2x.


Step 3

Open the ' susan t 619'-tube.
Copy and paste as a new layer and shift it to the right so that the tip of her hand is positioned on 580 as seen in the tag example above:))

Duplicate this layer.

Layers --> Arrange --> Move down.

Note !!!

If the VM Toolbox - Zoomblur filter doesn't want to work,
try the VM Stylize filter as suggested by
Yvonne - the master tester of Gerda's tuts :)

Effects--> Filter  VM Toolbox --> Zoom Blur -->amount 100, adjust 143

(the zoom of the colors can verify
depending one where you positioned the tube.)

Activate the bottom layer. We are going to build new layers from there up.

Preset Shape --> Oval --> 'Retain Style'- unchecked,
'Anti-alias' and 'Create as Vector' = both checked.
'Width' = 2.

Change the foreground color to the gold pattern and
the background to gradient:
Style = Sunburst
Angle and Repeat = 0
Invert = not checked.

Now draw a horizontal oval shape below the woman.
You can always make it flatter afterwards while it remains
a vector shape.
If you leave it until you have converted the vector layer to raster layer
you will have to sharpen it, and it won't look good at all :-))

Your image should look like this now:

Activate your tube layer - the top layer.

Drop shadow:  10/10/10/5  color black.


Step  4

Activate the bottom layer again.

Foreground on gold,
background on gradient - the same settings as in step 3.

Preset Shape 'heart 1' ,  'Retain Style' = unchecked, 'Anti-alias'and 'Create as Vector'= checked.
Line WIDTH should be

Draw a heart shape as seen below


Convert the vector layer to raster layer in the layers palette

Effects -- Inner Bevel with these settings:
  Width 31   , 9/6/9/22  ,Angle 315 , 28,54  color white

Duplicate this layer
Resize the duplicated layer to 90% - depending on the size of the heart.
You might need to reduce the size a little bit more.


Drag the heart to the right with the
Mover Tool so that the hearts forms steps
behind the woman's leg.

Lock all layers except the heart layers  !!!!!

Activate one of the heart layers and merge them visible.
Unlock the other layers.
Activate the hearts layer and duplicate.
Image --> Mirror.

Schift it more to the right so that the hearts touch each other.
Lock all layers, except the heart layers, again.
Merge the heart layers visible.

Drop Shadow  10/10/10/5  color black
Unlock the layers.
Merge all layers.



 Step  5

The Vase and the Flowers.

Stick to the lesson: We're going to make the vase ourselves :)))
To save some time, since the tutorial is already a bit long,
copy and paste the 'ladygerdafr2' - frame provided in the zip on the image.

Add a new raster layer
Change the foreground to gold.
Activate your Brush Tool and and find the
' sr flower  010'- brush --> size 325 --> Blende mode on 'darker'
Apply thee brush on the right side - see screenshot

Adjist  --> Sharpness --> Sharpen

Drop shadow 1/1/100/0  color  #400000


Step  6

Foreground on the red color,
background on black

Lock the foreground.

Change the background to your gradient:
Style = Linear
Angle = 90
Repeat = 1
Invert = checked

Basic shape--> Top hat - yes,
you're going to make a vase with the top hat-shape :))

'Retain style' must be unchecked ,
anti alias and 'create as vector' are checked.

Draw a sshape over the flower stems.
You can draw the shape as small or big as you want - as seen below.

Open the vector layer in the Layers Palette - click on
the small cross next to it.
Click on the cross next to the top hat as well.

Your Layers palette should look something like this now:

If you double-click on the first'drawing'- layer just below the 'top hat' llayer,
a screen will open. Here you can change the vector - attributes as seen below
The Stroke can be changed to your gold pattern.


Scroll down in the Layers palette to 'ellipse' and repeat the same steps as you just did with the top hat in the Layers palette.

Do the same with the 'drawing' layer just above the 'ellipse' layer.

When finished, you can click on the minus sign next to the 'top hat'and 'vector layer'again to change itback to the plus '+' sign.
Convert the vector layer to raster layer.

Apply the Eye Cancy --> Glass effects
with these settings:


Layers -- Arrange -- Move Down
Activate the top layer ( it should be the flowers layer)

Activate the Eraser tool and erase the flower stems, so that
the flowers fit nicely into the vase.
Move the flowers into the vase if you want to.
Apply a dro
p shadow to the flowers:

  10/10/50/5 color black


Step 7
Lock all the layers, except the flowers and vase layers.
Activate one of the unlocked two layers * flowers or vase)
and merge them visible.
Duplicate this layer.

Layers --> Arrange --> move down.

Repeat the Layer arrangement once.

This layer should be above the background layer.

Apply Effects --> Flaming Pear -- Flood
with the settings below.

The size of the vase will determine the outcome.

Merge all layers.

Step  8

Foreground on gold.
Add a new raster layer.
Find the '  gerdatekst23--> Blend mode on  'Darker',
size = 100

Apply the brush on top of the heart.
Add a drop shadow:

  1/1/50/0 color black.

Add your name and merge all layers.
Your tag is finished.
If you want to share this tutorial in groups or email,
kindly only use a text link to it.

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   Design by Gerda©


translated 17th June 2006


Visit Gerda's Dutch website here




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