Ritual is the means by which we open ourselves up to the Dark Goddesses and God, and invite their power into their lives. Bringing their power into us transforms us - building our mind while enhancing our Evolution. Our life is a vital force, surging with Desire, Pride and Will � seeking our further power and development. As more evolved beings, the Dark Goddesses and Dark God are possessed of the same, although in much more powerful dimensions than what we currently have. By joining ours to theirs, we seek to learn from their experience and be guided by their becoming onto our own Dark Path of fulfillment. After all, the Desire of our Evolution is to become one like them in the fullness of time.

Ritual allows us to tap into that power; to bring the spiritual down to our physical plane � and, hopefully, to infuse some of that spiritual power into us, so that we begin to transcend the level of mundane, corporeal life. Ritual in itself does not make us Goddesses or Gods, but it opens the door � the more you do, the stronger your focus becomes, the greater becomes your ability to open that door wider � and the next one beyond it.

The absence of Ritual in our lives is like relying on a muscle that is never exercised � it may function when we need it, but the result can be injury, pain or even failure. Ritual, which I consider a more active form of meditation, builds our spiritual �muscle�.

When we are under pressure, Ritual can give us comfort and refreshment. When we pass into doubt, Ritual can re-center our understanding and sort out the lies from the path of life. Ritual can even clear the mind of �background noise�, washing away the mundane, to focus our mind on the important decisions or choices.

I conduct Rituals at the following times:

The Dark (New) Moon: This occurs (usually) twelve times per year (although some years, 2003 and 2005 for example, had thirteen). I choose the Moonless night as symbolic of the power of true darkness to enfold and obscure: in the true darkness can the spark of knowledge be most clearly seen. The dark night is not absent energy (as some white light paths seem to think) but represents the peak of the dark, infernal power spreading through the Universe. It is worth remembering that the majority of the Universe exists in darkness, which may be without light but is never absent energy. This is where much power and life enhancing energy is to be found. The sun light burns and blinds; the darkness cools, but also compels the eyes to exert themselves in search of form and meaning. So it is with the open spirit in the darkness, there is more for it to enfold and absorb.

Observing Ritual during the Dark Moon reminds me that the Dark Goddesses and Dark God live and derive their power within the dark heart of the Universe itself; that their wisdom is hidden within the night, where I must reach for it. They offer no blazing light of revelation, no quick fix of truth carved into stone tablets: to be as them you must seek for the insight, and so earn your Evolution.

The Dark also represents the mystery of the night, the shroud that conceals the archane mysteryies of nature which are neither easy to find nor understand. In eschewing the light path for the dark, I embrace this mystery and my dedication is to explore these mysteries with the whole of my being. Enacting ritual under the dark moon symbolizes this for me. It is also symbolic of the ultimate choice that is the Dark Path, namely confronting and overcoming my fear of the darkness (night) in order to uncover the uncountable and unfathomable mysteries which can only be discovered by exploring the darkness. By taking the dark night as the stage for my ritual, my ritual becomes a symbolic overcoming of the fear of night, so that I might not only confront what is in the shadows, but in so doing strengthen my own power through courage and mental focus. It is not so much conquering night as making myself a part of it in both a literal and a transformative sense.

I have special Rituals on October 31 (Samhain [Halloween]), December 21 (Winter Solstice/Yule), February 2 (Darkmas/Imbolc), March 21 (Ostara), April 30 (Walpurgis Nacht/Satanic Pride), June 21 (Summer Solstice), August 1 (Lammas) and September 21 (Maybon).

That�s anywhere from 17 - 20 per year (some of the special rituals will fall within a Dark Moon period-- "doubling-up", if you will) - it�s enough for me; I don't necessary need to do a "big" ritual every week; as I also do daily meditation - which I classify as "internal rituals".

You could easily add more according to your beliefs � there�s no fixed requirement. In fact a "written in stone" liturgical calendar is the way of oppressive, rule-governed or dogma religions. I have done a curse ritual on Good Friday and Easter � invoking dark power to expose and overcome the Xian death spirit; I have also done curse rituals at Ramadan for much the same reason. I also have some mini-rituals that are more like guided meditation, involving less of the physical manifestations. The options are what you make of them.

A note about Yule: This is not Xistmas. I do enjoy the social and pagan trappings of Yule: Santa Claus [whose popular form was created by Coca Cola], Trees, Holly, even presents given with joy � none of these began as Xian ideas; they were appropriated by Xians and used to �convert� a pagan Winter Solstice festival whose purpose was to celebrate life by bringing joy into the gloom of winter. I�ll sing secular songs [i.e. Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer] but not the religious variety. Mostly, I will not allow Xians to spoil my mid-winter fun!

Always bathe (or at least shower) before a ritual and clean your teeth. This shows respect on your part, for the Dark Goddesses and God as well as for yourself.

How you dress for your ritual depends upon you. I am a strong believer in sky clad rituals, symbolic of my opening myself, body and spirit, to the dark powers. Sky clad is also more practical for rituals involving orgiastic energy or Sex Magick. I do wear jewelry: including a ring, a baphomet and a pentacle on separate necklaces, earrings, bracelets and ankle bracelets. These enhance my personal power, I believe � and I enjoy wearing them. I also put on a modest amount of make-up.

What you choose is up to your preference. The idea is to enhance your opening to the dark powers.

My �Common� Opening and Closing for Rituals:

The Ritual should be conducted before an altar with the idols/symbols of your choice upon it, together with five candles (black, dark blue, red or green) burning upon it.

The direction your altar faces depends upon your locale; a certain amount of practicality with regard to your room/space comes into play here. I place my altar facing to the East because I have an eastward facing window: I am openly facing the night without fear; facing in the direction of the ancient lands where human life first began. Each of the other directions has an equally valid point in relation to the night and ancient lore.

For some rituals I have a chalice upon the altar filled with red wine. This red wine symbolizes blood, the elixir of life and vitality of existence. Ideally this is symbolic of your blood being devoted to the Dark Path � where it serves as the fuel for your Dark Flame. If you like, you can mix a few drops of your own blood with the wine to add extra power. **This is not a symbol of human sacrifice � it is a celebration of the powers of your life over your death** Most literally, it is the symbol of your life that you claim for yourself and declares your independence from all false beliefs based upon the worship of self-negation.

Incidentally, I see nothing wrong with having a bottle of water handy, should my throat become dry during a ritual. I treat this water as symbolic of the power of life over death.

Upon the floor before the altar I have placed a ritual �carpet�. This is a piece of black cloth approximately 5� x 5� [152cm x 152cm] square. Upon this carpet I have drawn a pentacle, using a mixture of red lacquer paint with a few drops of my own blood mixed in. This blood within the paint represents my commitment of my living essence to my temple, the rituals I conduct therein and to the Dark Goddesses and God themselves. Place the two-pointed side of the pentacle facing the altar. These points represent Lilith and Lucifer. (Or Desire and Judgment).

Before you begin the ritual, clear the space about you by sounding the bell to each direction of the compass � and once above and once below. Next, bless the sword over the flame of one of the altar candles. Then, with the sword, make the counter-clockwise circle three times; inviting the spirits of Hell to join with you and partake of your honour and celebration of the Dark Goddesses and God. Your circles draw the circle of power within which you will conduct your ritual and work your magick.

The sword can be a black handled knife (which may also serve as an athame), an actual sword or a similar object. One of the more exotic items that I use is an African tribal spear that was once infused with the power of its original makers� tribal spirits. It also has tasted blood both in war and in the hunt. I heard of someone once using a cavalry saber that had seen action at the Little Big Horn for much the same reason.

If your sword has not �tasted� blood in the past, I recommend �baptizing� it first with a few drops of your own blood (I did this with the spear even though it had a past of its own). The contact with living blood infuses the sword with the spirit and desire of a living being and empowers it as a tool for joining with the Dark Goddesses and God.

**I DISCOURAGE anyone from using violence on another simply to �baptize� a sword. The past weapons I mentioned above were used in old conflicts, or for survival, at another time. The current owner did not seek out the conflict; they are using the power of what has passed before. Using your own blood in a safe manner is equally evocative of dark power, perhaps more so. The power being celebrated is that of life and vitality, not the stupidity of mindless violence. **

I don�t recommend using your finger as some Wiccans do; the symbolism is that you are placing the Dark Goddesses and God at �your finger�, which can have insulting connotations. Even if you use a switchblade or a kitchen knife, you are demonstrating both your respect and dedication through effort to the ritual.

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