*HOTSHEETS / *FIDDLEFEST / *HOT TIMES *Copyright Madeline L. Felkins 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 2004 2005 2006 All Rights

Antioxidants and Bioflavonoids

Many have written me asking about teas/herbal teas and foods with bioflavonoid/antioxidant properties. Highest on the list is pomegranate juice, but other than this juice which is extremely high in bioflavonoids and antioxidants, I will not be including most fruits in this quick reference list due to their high sugar level with the exception of pomegranates, blueberries, dark red grapes and wine; the darker the grape and darker red the wine, the higher the cancer and disease fighting properties discovered in them. Also, coffee has the highest levels of bioflavonoids: One cup of brewed black coffee has more of these antioxidants than does three oranges, but the coffee must be consumed fresh within twenty minutes of being made as the strength and amount of the bioflavonoids decreases after that time.

Dark chocolate has high levels of antioxidants but it's also high in sugar/fats when it is cooked to make candy and sweetened beverages.

The order of the teas with the highest levels of disease fighting properties begins with white tea followed by green, blueberry, blackberry, orange, and black pekoe.

Very low in sugar but extremely high in bioflavonoids/antioxidants are kale, spinach, Brussels and alfalfa sprouts, broccoli, beets, red bell peppers, carrots, cabbage, mushrooms, dark yellow squash and yams. All of these dark vegetables and tubers also have other valuable nutrients including vitamin C and minerals.

Dark ripe tomatoes also are low in sugar and are an important source of lycopene. Studies show that by including tomatoes as well as tomato pastes/sauces to foods is a significant way to increase antioxidants in daily nutrition.

The caloric and sugar count in a banana is high, but on the other hand, bananas' potassium rich quality of nutrition is available in avacados which are additionally rich in omega-3/6 fatty acids as are macadamia nut, avacado, and olive oils as well as nutmeats from walnuts and almonds; it is not necessary to eat salmon, mackerel or tuna to get these important nutrients if oily fish are disliked or prohibited by a vegetarian diet. Moreover, it is important to note that there are up to 7X more phytoestrogens and isoflavones in red clover which may be brewed in a tea, than there are to be consumed in soy beans.

The above references to foods and herbs is not meant to be complete but rather meant as initial step to help individuals in their own research.

I began my study in nutrition with my Grandmother who was a WWII Army medic and a homeopathic practitioner here in California. She taught me a great deal during the years I lived with her throughout my childhood; later I studied with a herbalist during my middle school years while working as a trainee for a nutrition store which published many articles on studies of foods, vitamins, herbs and proteins, for example, fish proteins as compared to soy proteins or gluten proteins, etcetera. I notice that many health food stores sell supplements, foods, and herbal teas today, but there is not much resource material available within 'house' unless one purchases reference books in the store. I didn't realize it at the time, but when I was a kid, health food stores were considered somewhat as a cult, however, I was drawn to the store because I loved to study all the articles, pamphlets, periodicals and university medical research made available free to the public located within the shelves on the far wall at the nutrition library where I worked. There are some interesting and historical books by native California health authors, Paul Bragg and Patricia Bragg, (father and daughter), regarding water and apple cider 'mother' vinegar for persons interested in purchasing well known publications. There is much documentation and studies available about isoflavones, phytoestrogens, bioflavonoids, and antioxidants for individuals willing to do the work.

To Order Books and for More Information Contact:

Bragg Health Products and Books Online

For Telephone Orders: 1-800-446-1990.

Bragg Crusades,
Box 7,
Santa Barbara, CA, 93102,
Telephone Number 1-800-446-1990.


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