Submission Rules

Any Banana Fish fanfiction will be accepted, regardless of content and quality, as long as it meets the following criteria:

*Please submit stories in plain text format or in the body text of an email, indicating any special characters, italics, bold, etc.  I will reformat each story myself.

*All submissions must be properly edited.  Misspellings, typos, and gramatical flaws must be corrected or I'll send the submission back and ask for a re-edit.
If you are in need of a skilled beta-reader, I can help.  Let me know.

*Keep the author's notes to a minimum.  Explanations, warnings, and dedications are all appreciated, but ranting is not, unless it is directly relevant to the readers' understanding of the story. 

*No internet abreviations/netspeak please--if you can't be bothered to spell out the whole word, don't bother submitting.

*Any indication of plagiarism will be investigated.  Any author who has been proven to have copied/stolen from another will be banned from the archive.
Please contact me IMMEDIATELY with any suspicion of plagiarism on my site.
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