Somehow: part one

By Uozumi


Author’s Note:  This came to me after I read an unmarked spoiler.  I already knew that Ash dies in the end, but now I know the basis of how and why, so I'm going to play with that.  Then I took it down and redid it after getting a better source on it.  Also, dates are approximated due to lack of information.  I own nothing.



Wednesday, February 26, 1986

Ash ran faster, his long legs bringing him closer.  He had to get there!  He had managed to secure a ride and now as he vaulted over a line of luggage, the owners shouting obscenities or just gaping, he finally caught sight of the familiar dark haired man.  He went to call out his name, but he couldn't, his voice wouldn't work.  This wasn't fair!  He was getting on the plane!  Without thinking, he skidded through the door of the connector, only to meet a steward's stern face.


"Where do you think you're going?" he narrowed his eyes.


Ash at first wasn't sure what to say.  Quickly, he offered an excuse about running late, and got swatted as he got onto the plane.


"Stupid kid," the steward grumbled, then waited for the signal and closed the loading gate.


Eiji sat by a window seat, staring off.  His brown eyes were glazed over slightly, and his thoughts in turmoil.  It hurt so much, but why?  When he came here so long ago with Ibé-san, he had felt heartbroken at leaving his family, but now . . . .


He had never felt so sad in all his life, and never before had his heart hurt so badly.  What was so wrong?  Was it because he knew that never again would he ever see all his new comrades?  Was it because he finally had found his belonging place, even if he really didn't fit at the same time he fit in?


Or, was it because he had yet to say goodbye to Ash?


His eyes half opened, Eiji tried to vanish the thoughts in his head, but they kept coming back.  It was like a disease, and he wondered if it was like that horrible disease called AIDS, who was only a few years old.  One you got it, you had it forever, and it slowly consumed you . . .  .  That was how he felt, like Ash had taken him over, and no matter what was going to happen, he would never be free.


Hearing Ibé-san say something, Eiji wrote it off, he just didn't feel like listening.  The plane was starting, and soon he would be gone, but would he be free?  Could he forget?  Did he want to?


Yes, he wanted to forget.  He wanted to forget the gangs, the people, the places, and most of all, he wanted to forget . . . .




Eiji jumped at Ibé-san's exclamation.  This was bad - now he was hearing things!  Yet . . . .


Curiosity getting the better of him, Eiji's brown eyes slowly looked up and to his right, only to meet two green orbs as Ash stared down at him.  "A - "


Oh God, now he was seeing things!


"Excuse me, sir, could you please seat yourself?" a stewardess came by, "The plane is about to taxi."


Before Ash could respond, Ibé-san rose from his seat and indicated that Ash take it as he moved to a free seat a few aisles away on the not too crowded plane.


Eiji watched as Ash sat down where Ibé-san had just been, his blood cold, and a numbness permeating his skin and brain.  He wanted to ask, he wanted to speak - to do something, but he just couldn't.


Finally, after swallowing, he spoke very quietly just in case this was a hallucination and he was about to disturb Ibé-san, "How?"


Ash looked over at him from where Eiji was staring at him.  The look in his eyes, the expression on his face . . . Ash knew that going after him had been the right decision; closure like what he had planned wouldn't have been closure at all, and they both needed closure.  "I read your letter."


Eiji looked away at that, neither paying attention to the flight attendants as they explained the plane safety systems.  "Yeah?"


"Yeah," Ash nodded, staring off to his right as Eiji looked out the window to his left.  "Eiji -"


"Fasten your belt, Hon, the plane's taking off."


Ash nodded as the stewardess moved on, and then spoke again, "Eiji, if -"


The twenty-year-old held up a hand, shaking his head, and then smiled.  He couldn't have asked for anything better, nor could he have guessed that his deepest wish would be granted.



Eiji and Ash had gone through the plane ride in silence, but a comfortable silence, the kind that made you feel safe and like you belonged.  They didn't say a word, both too amazed at their good luck after what seemed like fluctuating luck that was consistently moving in a downward spiral.


Stepping off the plane with Ibé-san, the two stood near each other, Ash walking a pace behind, his green eyes flashing about the people around them.  It was insane, but they all looked like Eiji, sort of.  They were all built similarly with the same midnight hair and most had brown eyes about the same shade.  It was as though Eiji was a cross-section of Japan, showing what the average young Japanese male looked like.  Ibé-san stepped into the line for passport checks, Eiji lining up behind, and Ash coming in last.


Quietly, he extracted his passport, and smiled slightly at the person it said he was.  Would he revert back here?  Would he pick a new identity?  He was starting anew and there was a feeling coursing through him that he didn't know.  Was he excited?  Nervous?  Apprehensive?


No, relieved.  He was at ease.


Handing his passport to the inspector, he realized that he felt like his shoulders had suddenly been lowered after being hunched up since he couldn't remember.  He didn't feel the immediate need to check his surroundings, but he did every now and then.  He was just too used to watching out for threats, but as he looked around, he saw none.




Ash watched Eiji's eyes brighten as he hurried over to a woman who hugged him tightly.  Then Eiji hugged a man, calling him Tôsan, and then he hugged a girl who was a string bean, and much shorter than him, calling her Imoutochan.  He felt so lost and removed as he watched the three jabber in Japanese.  Was this really a good idea?  Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he looked over at Ibé-san.  The man said nothing, but merely communicated something that Ash couldn't place before he walked by and told Eiji something in Japanese, receiving a motion and words that indicated goodbye.


Ash felt really, really out of place once the photojournalist left.  The reality of what he decided came crashing down.  He had hardly any money on him, he had no bag, he had no stuff, and it was apparent that he was going to be staying with Eiji, which he assumed would mean with his family too.


This might not be good at all.  He had been fixated on following Eiji, and for once he hadn't gone through cause and effect.  Ash mentally kicked himself.  How could he just have run off?  He was tight-pressed, but still . . . .


Blinking, the blond became acutely aware that "Kasan" had noticed him and was saying something to Eiji about it.  The man nodded, and then came over to Ash, "Ash," he spoke, the name coming out better than it had at first when Ash was always "Ashu," since it ended in a consonant.  "Come, this is my family."


Ash nodded, and walked over slowly with Eiji.


"Kasan, Tôsan, Imoutochan, this is Ash Lynx," Eiji indicated the younger boy, "Ash, this is my mother, father, and little sister."


'So that's what those words mean,' Ash filed that away, "Hello."


"Hello," Mrs. Okumura was first to step forward, "I am Okumura Kimoku, Ei-chan's mother.  You were very good to our son, thank you," and she bowed.


Ash blinked, and then bowed back, assuming it was a greeting.


"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lynx," Okumura-san had his English more perfected and looked like the quintessential businessman, which worked with his wife who looked like a loving mother and housewife.  They looked like the Japanese equivalent of Ozzie and Harriet.  "Eiji has told us much about you."


"Y - Yes," Ash nodded, unsure of whether or not to bow.  Since Okumura-san didn't, Ash decided not to as well.  Although, he felt his brain muse what Eiji had told them and how.


"Hello, I am Okumura Nanako," Eiji's sister grinned, and shook Ash's hand enthusiastically.  Ash raised an eyebrow mentally.  Once, when he had talked with Eiji, Eiji had said that his sister was ugly, but the girl was just young, although if she was like her brother, she could be his age, for all Ash knew, but she wasn't ugly, yet she wasn't beautiful either.  She just looked typical, like everyone else it seemed.


Ash looked to Eiji after the greeting, and then turned his attention to Mrs. Okumura when she spoke up, "Of course, you stay with us?"


Ash opened his mouth, then closed it, nodding.  He had seen the looks they had given him.  He was quite welcome here.


To be continued . . .


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