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boing (counter started 4/7/2003)

Hello! This is not-so-obviously a majorly under-construction site, but I did just get it on 4/7/2003, so it still has plenty of room for growth. If you'd like to link to me, feel free!, and if you want to use a banner or logo of some sort, just click the animated image above, and it'll take you to the less flashy banner.

kitsune'taur pic

[ Who Is Stox | Pics of Stox | Friends | Artists |
Gorgeous | GIGANTIC | Links & Stuff | Stories | Favorite Sobe Sayings ]

My name is Stochol Trimoluka, though my common name is Stox. I am a bipedal dragonoid of black and purple colors who populates a world known as Furry Muck. Yes, seems like a strange name for a world, and maybe you don't think I'm all that furry, but that is where I live now. I used to live elsewhere, but that's a story for another page. ;) Sometimes I am a wolf, and recently I've been practicing to change into other forms, so if you don't recognize me as a dragon, don't be alarmed!

And check this one out down below. It's another gift from Rooth! Well, okay, Rooth didn't do it, but this person named Bandit did. Tiggy Bandidt (alternate site). He (she?) calls this a doodle! Can you imagine!?

  While I build up this page, why not browse my furry art section.   It's not my art!  I can't draw worth squat.

But you'll find a picture of me and my friend Sasuga (left) there, done by gNAW! :) Sasuga also drew a picture of just me, which you can find on her website in the artists section. And most recently, Rooth had this artist, Pinkuh, do this nice portrait of me in wolf form (bottom), working out with a car-bell. ;) Hey, a wolf that size has gotta improvise, if he's gonna keep his figure! :>  Rooth's my hero!  He also commissioned Pinkuh to draw my kitsune'taur form (right)!  That's so awesome!  I rarely use my kitsune'taur form, except under special circumstances.

  OMG! Rooth surprised me with another commission, for my birthday a couple months ago! This is so awesome, I'm beside myself. I mean, I love all these pictures and all, but the one that Griffinparkstudio did actually fits a little part of my history where I was changing to a random size every night as I slept. This is the scene where I woke up and I pretty much filled the room! I actually had to spend the day in there like that, 'cause I couldn't fit out the cave entrance. ;)

Gokusan drew me! Again, from Rooth's generocity! Gokusan is new to the commission scene, but I think s/he has a lot more business in their future! :) Gokusan:%20Stox
I'm a pretty sociable dragon, and thus I have lots of friends. Some of them are closer than others, and some have their own web pages, too, but I don't know them all yet. There's this one, though, that I'm particularly fond of. She really inspires me to greatness, in many ways, and so I give her first billing.
I really love furry art, and some artists stand out as my favorites. I'll try to keep this list up to date and stuff, but I don't want it to get too big, y'know? Oh, and note that basically all of those sites have adult material, so don't go clickin' if you're not .. uh .. 18 or over, I guess.
Like I said, I have lots of friends, and many of them are of the lovely female persuasion. Here's a growing list of some I've found to be quite stunning! Oh, don't worry, I'll keep these pictures clean (if flaunting!). Just keep in mind--I didn't draw any of this stuff! I'm really bad at drawing, trust me.
  • Tyrnn, who has his own website, is a very large dragon, and he gets larger through the use of a magical dimension-altering Lens, which he can use on anyone to make them basically any size they want to be. This picture exemplifies that to a fantastic degree.
  • Talos is really big, too, and likes destroying stuff, evidently. ;) Can't say as I blame him -- with feets like those, it would be hard not to destroy stuff!
Links & Stuff
HBD Here There Be Dragons! Art Page, care of Here Be Dragons! homepage. This is the site of an old friend from the early '90s when we were both just getting started in creating websites. Hers is much better, though, now. Go check it out! She's got LOTS and lots of resources there of anything dragon related.
BoingDragon's Lair BoingDragon's Lair, where I got the neat counter above. :>
Furnation Furnation, one of the biggest furry portals on the 'net. Lots of art!
Macrophile is a good site to find lots of other macrophiles of various ilk. Plenty of excellent artwork there, too, of the macro variety. ;)
FOOPY.COM FOOPY.COM is where I got the Furry font (that I used to make the buttons), and they have lots of other fonts and stuff.
Add Me! This site is what I used to submit myself to all sorts of search engines. :)
Digital Blasphemy Digital Blasphemy has tons and tons of really killer awesome CGI artwork by Ryan Bliss. A bunch of stuff is free, but a portion of his works are members-only. Accounts are cheap, though, so go get one!
Visit W3Schools W3Schools is an excellent site for learning or referencing anything web-publishing related. HTML, Java, ASP, .NET, PHP, XML, ... the list goes on and on and on. They have excellent tutorials, interactive examples, syntax references, standards descriptions, and other stuff!

Jeff Russel's Starship Dimensions

This site has a fantastic collection of starship drawings, all presented in the context of scale with other starships across all sorts of genres. There's even airplanes, buildings, and even Godzilla for reference. The neat thing is that, if you're using IE, you can grab objects and drag them around the page, so you can stack two ships next to each other to see how they compare in size. I had fun putting Godzilla next to things like an airplane, the Empire State Building, stuff like that. ;)

PS - before you scold me, I use Mozilla almost exclusively, and make sure that everything on my page works well with Mozilla, but I just had to go try that out.

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