WORKSHOP: T3 - Masculinity and Spirituality Part 1 and 2

Presenter: Don Adlam

Facilitator: Sean Rosewarne

Scribe: Sean Roswarne

Brief Outline

This workshop will involve an informal and relaxed approach towards identifying the spiritual, social, and historical context of masculinity. Don’s approach will involve both discussion and experiential work encouraging participants to disconnect from their ‘head’ and reconnect with their ‘heart space’. Part two of this workshop will extend on the morning’s experiences.

Summary of Conference:

Masculinity and spirituality are difficult to define, as everyone holds a personal view of what these concepts mean. Spirituality includes a search for meaning, following the truth of our own lives and looking for the "sacredness" in everything and everyone (including ourselves). Similarly, spirituality is commonly seen as a gift of knowing, yet beyond the ability of intellectual thought.

Masculinity is largely seen as a culturally defined process of socialisation for males. This has resulted in some negative stereotypes and patterns of behaviour that do not work for men, women, children, or society.

To foster spirituality, men need a sense of connectedness to society, other people and themselves. Stories of separation from others abound, and this separation is fostered through a ‘masculine’ characteristic – competition. Competition serves to alienate men from one another through the desire to be seen as ‘ better than’. Men could alternatively be encouraged to be honest with their emotions, supportive of each other and develop a connectedness that supports spiritual understanding and self-acceptance.

This two-part workshop encouraged expression of men’s emotional and spiritual experiences, providing validation that these are important aspects of men’s lives, holistically.

Key Recommendations:



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