WORKSHOP: F7 - Males as Carers

Presenters: Peter Smytherman

Facilitator: Malcolm Ellis

Scribe: Beverly Ellis

Brief Outline

The issues of males as carers impacts significantly on the whole of our society, and many of us will know of individuals within our families/community who are currently caring for someone on a daily basis. Of the 2 million carers in Australia 60% are male caregivers.

These men are currently caring for a partner, and 49% of men provide care for someone aged sixty and over in the same house. Respite time, personal confidence, social isolation, and the needs of male (and female) carers are often overlooked. – however many of us at this conference could also be in a similar position in the future, what will this mean?

Summary of Conference:

Key Recommendation:

That existing Health and Community Service Organisations be encouraged to review current systems and structures, in order to establish a more coordinated approach to supporting men as caregivers.



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