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<img src="http://www.chalicecalifornia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/MGK-2.jpeg"height="300" width="100%"/><tr height="300"><td colspan="2">

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<td width="15% background="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5423740de4b0328b6f36a44c/544668c6e4b02404b3cce040/544668cce4b093ef86397c0e/1413900497269/mgk-26.jpg" valign="top">

</td><td width="85%" background="pics/rightbg2.jpg" valign="top" align="center"><h1 style="background-color:grey">Machine Gun Kelly</h1>
<p> <img src="http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/640x/c5/89/f7/c589f7247ca71122bc9ba9ff5204cd70.jpg"/> </p>

<P style="background-color:red">In this quote he is saying that when he started rapping he did not intend to reach out to anyone, but as songs and years go buy he continues to save more people other than JUST HIMSELF as he instended. We are the reason for his publicity.</p>

<p> <img src="http://cdn.wealthygorilla.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/MGK-Quotes-Picture-1.jpg" border="2"/> </p>

<P style="background-color:grey">I like this quote the most because MGK is saying to live your life to the fullest. doing the things you love witht the people you love, because you never know whats gonna happen the second you are not with them. </p>

<p> <img src="http://images.firstcovers.com/covers/flash/m/machine_gun_kelly_cover-1047803.jpg?i"/> </p>

<P style="background-color:red">This quote is saying that when you listen to his music do not ever second guess yourself.you are beautiful inside and out no matter what anyone says. The qualities that make us stick out are also the things someone could love about us. </p>

<P style="backround-color:grey"> <a href="http://www.songkick.com/artists/6630384-machine-gun-kelly">A link to tour dates for MGK</a></p>

