Mythology Web-Sites

Of Gods and Men
Gallic Mythology
The Mythology of the Constellations
Bulfinch's Mythology
Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts
Mythology in Western Art
Gods, Heroes, and Myths
Mything Links
Encyclopedia Mythica
The World of the Goddess
Index of Catholic Saints*
Greek Mythology
Chinese Mythology
Irish Mythology
Hawaiian Mythology
Latin American Mythology
Norse Mythology
Japanese Mythology
Roman Mythology
British Mythology
Canaanite-Ugaritic Mythology
Finnish Mythology
Akhentef's [Egyptian] World
Germanic Mythology
MythHome: Africa
Myth, Legend, Folklore, and Ghost Links

* =Special Note: While this site does not pertain to any Pagan Tradition-- being a feature of Catholic Online-- I felt this was the most appropriate place for it among my links. I feel that it is an appropriate addition to my Pagan links because many of the saints are, in fact, Pagan deities in disguise and also because I have been known to call upon the saints in my practice with positive results.

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