The Shrine of Dionysus

Detail of Bacchus and Ariadne
Sebastiano Ricci, 1716

Dionysus I call, Divine and Thunderous,
God of Ecstasy, a two-fold shape is Thine.
I celebrate Thy names, First-Born, Thrice-Begotten,
Bacchic King, Rural, Pure, Ineffable, Obscure,
Two-Horned, Ivy-Crowned, Bull-Faced and Martial,
Bearer of the Vine,Wise Counselor, Triennial,
Whom the leaves of vines adorn, divinely dorn
of the Underworld's Queen, Immortal Dionysus, hear the voice of Thy supplicants,
Give us joy and blameless plenty,
And with Thy court of wild Maenads,
graciously listen to our mystic prayer
�from The Orphic Hymns

I invoke Dionysus Liknitus, Vine Bearer, to bless these sacred rites.
Florid, bright blossom of the Nymphs, and of fair Aphrodite, Goddess of Love,
With lightly leaping feet, leading the Maenads in the mad dance through the groves,
Son of Persephone, dreaded by all the Gods,
Come, Dionysus Liknitus, and regard Your supplicants' prayers,
Blessed God of Abandon, come rejoicing to these rites.
-from The Orphic Hymns

Dionysus Pericionuis, hear my prayer.
You who cast His might upon the house of Cadmus, with matchless
force and twined round the pillars of the palace with Your indissoluble grasp.
Strong and burning thunders shook the ground, and flaming, booming torrents flowed.
Come, mighty Dionysus, to these rites incline, and bless Your supplicants with joyful souls.
�from The Orphic Hymns

Hear me, Son of Two Mothers, Blessed Dionysus, God of Wine,
Lysian, Evion Bacchus, Many-named, secret and holy, fertile and nourishing,
Who brings the spark of life and makes the fruits to flourish and increase,
Resounding, Magnanimous Power, Many-Formed God of Health, Holy Flower,
Mortals find repose from labor in Your magic, and You are desired by all.
Fair, Bromian, Joyful God who bears the vined wand,
Incline to these rites, Whether You favor Gods or mortals,
Be present and listen when Your mystics pray,
And come rejoicing, bearing abundant fruits.
�from The Orphic Hymns

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