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Casting the Circle

These are a couple of my favorite simple circle casts:

�I conjure thee, great circle of power
as a boundary between the physical and the astral planes.
I charge thee in the name of the elements,
my ancestors, and the Gods I serve
to be for me a sphere of protection.
May all negative energies and entities be repelled.
May all positive energies and entities be welcomed.
So mote it be!�
� 1996 by Mareth SummerWind

As I cast this circle thrice around,
I now make this sacred ground.
By my will, this circle's cast,
To bind the magick and hold it fast.
As it is above, so it is below,
Let the power rise and flow.
Let no negativity through,
But let love pass that's strong and true.
When energy's released, let it flow,
Direct it where it needs to go.
As I evermind the rule of three--
What's sent forth comes back to me.
'An I harm none, I'll do what I must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
So in the blessed names of the Lady and Lord,
And by chalice, earth, fire, and sword,
And by the power of three times three,
This circle is sealed--so mote it be!

by AutumnRose

"By the powers of Land, Sky, and Sea,
By the power that flows within me,
And By the power of three times three,
Sacred Circle, I do conjure thee.
As I will, so mote it be!"

� 2000 by Mareth SummerWind

Here is another one, which is a bit longer and pretty includes an altar devotion, similar to the one I perform. It is adapted from one written by Scott Cunningham and appeared in his book titled Wicca for the Solitary Practioner.

Using ritual besom, cleanse area where Circle is to be cast.

Set the Quarter candles at the cardinal points
  • Black at North
  • White at East
  • Red at South
  • Silver or Grey at West

Set up Altar (if not already done):
  • Goddess candle on left-hand side
  • God candle on right-hand side
  • Bowl of salt at North
  • Incense at East
  • Candle at South
  • Bowl of Water at West

Light the Goddess and God candles, as well as any illuminator candles you might need for the working.

Light incense

Using your Athame (if desired), place blade (or finger if not using a tool) in the bowl of water, saying,
"In the names of Epona and Kernunnos, I cleanse and consecrate this water, that it may be purified and fit to dwell within the sacred space which I create."

Visualize any and all negativity that might be dwelling in the salt being obliterated.

Touch the blade of your Athame (or your finger) to the salt, saying,
"In the names of Epona and Kernunnos, I cleanse and consecrate this salt, that it may be purified and fit to dwell within the sacred space which I create."

Stand, facing East, where the outermost boundary of your Circle is to be. Walk deosil (clock-wise) around the Circle's perimeter, using your Wand (or your Athame or the index finger of your projective hand) to draw the Circle's boundary. Charge this boundary with your energy, stretching it out until it forms a perfect sphere around your working area. As you walk, say,
"I now cast this sacred Circle, a place that is not a place in a time that is not a time, where complete love and trust reign and all negativity is restrained. So mote it be."

Return to the East and pick up the censer and carry it clock-wise around the circle, wafting smoke around the Circle's boundaries, saying,"By the powers of the ancient element of Air,
I consecrate this Circle."

Carry the lit South Altar candle (not the quarter candle) around the Circle, allowing its light to shine on the boundaries, saying,
"By the powers of the ancient element of Fire,
I consecrate this Circle."

Carry the bowl of water clock-wise around the Circle, sprinkling water on the Circle's boundaries, saying,
"By the powers of the ancient element of Water,
I consecrate this Circle."

Pick up the bowl of salt and, moving deosil, sprinkle around the Circle's boundaries. As you walk, say,
"By the powers of the ancient element of Earth,
I consecrate this Circle."

Return to East and prepare to Invite the Quarters.

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