Candle Color Correspondences

This is a list of my personal candle colors and associations. It is nowhere near complete, since it only encompasses goals, planets, and Deities with which I am familiar and have worked. Some of these associations are pretty "standard" while others may seem a little nontraditional to you.

Your own personal list may be drastically different than mine. That's fine. I am a firm believer in individuality. Don't take for granted anything just because you see it in print...or posted on the 'net. I suggest that you work to develop your own color correspondence list based on what feels intuitively right to you. You may even notice that different colors mean different things to you from day to day.

Happy Experimenting...

Red�passion, fertility, love, strength, power, courage, Bast, Aphrodite, the element of fire, the Mother, my South quarter candle, Bealtinne, Midsummer, Yule, the root chakra

Orange�justice, success, travel, harvest, Samhain, the belly chakra

Yellow�wisdom, communication, happiness, the element of Air, the planet Mercury, learning, Lughnasadh, Ganesha, the solar plexis chakra

Green�fertility, prosperity, healing, growth, the element of earth, the God, Ostara, Yule, Demeter, the planet Venus, the heart chakra

Blue�peace, tranquillity, emotional healing, the Goddess (especially Epona, Yemaya, and Kwan Yin), the element of water, the planet Neptune, the throat chakra

Purple�spirituality, physical healing, meditation, power, the Cailleach Bheur, honoring the dead, the planet Jupiter, the Third Eye chakra

White�cleansing, purity, peace, patience, the Moon, my East quarter candle, the Maiden, Persephone, healing, Imbolgc, can be used for any magickal intention as a substitute for another color, the crown chakra

Pink�love, peace, kindness, Kwan Yin, the planet Venus, the heart chakra

Brown�animals, the Earth, Mabon, Herne, blending into the background

Silver�divination, the Moon, my West quarter candle, the Goddess

Gold�the Sun, the God, prosperity, success, Midsummer, Lughnasadh

Grey�neutrality, absorbing negativity

Black�exorcism, the Crone, Hecate, the Morrigan, banishing, the planet Pluto, my North quarter candle, Samhain

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