This report is for all the SKEPTICS out there that what I say about their EGO is NOT FALSE. That what I say about their religion is true. That what I accuse them of - they are guilty of calling me. And other things. First, I would like to say that I have read the dissahc material as I like to call it. At places it is very paranoiac. The revelation that all of this is nothing more than a false creation is nothing new. That this is a kind of STAGE WORLD where we are sold a DREAMWORLD which does not exist, and the ORDER controls everything in a seeming BACKSTAGE. That Order is energetic and entropic, it's something THEY don't want to see or let you discover. The ORDER does exist. Before the storm, I SAW IT COMING. I saw the coincidence and the synchronicity they were trying to create. I saw the Shroud coming to envelop us in darkness - or at least entropy. It has not been explained to anyone - the difference between ORDER and CHAOS. Chaos, fractal, is the order of all things natural and real. The tree in your front yard is chaotic. The river running through your states and mountains are fractal. The arrangement of blood vesels in your hand is fractal. People are fractal, even down to their DNA, where infinite information is compressed into a chain of amino acids arranged in a crystalline pattern (a real crystal that no one has activated yet...). YOU ARE CHAOS. This is a simple fact that the scientists would not like anyone to know implicitly. They would like chaos referred to as a mathematical science. They would rather relegate Chaos to the ways of ORDER. They wish that CHAOS was never found, actually. But there are some non-robots out there who understand that CHAOS applies to more than mere stock market prices. That Chaos is the natural implicate order of things. And that this feigned ORDER that MAN tries to create with his business, his religion, and his government - is only breaking down the world around him - ENTROPICALLY. The explanation for this is simple. They like to say that this is the other way around, that CHAOS creates the entropy, that CHAOS is responsible for their heat deaths and friction. But Order, that is, straight lines and 45 degree angles, is more responsible for all of the destruction caused on Earth than one atomic bomb. ORDER, when artificially created in the REALITY (or Stage World) creates a box around LIFE - that is the LIFE inherent in all things CHAOTIC. All things that have life follow the patterns of chaos to do so in REALITY. When you build a box around a tree, it cannot grow, and thus it dies. When you do the same to humans, PSYCHOLOGICALLY they die, and then they die PHYSICALLY, eventually - since the higher order of the mind does not remain chaotic and fractal, and thus the energy of life is wasted creating more ORDER which creates more stupid ENTROPY in the body as cancer, or some other dis-ease. This is what wilhelm reich was trying to tell us. BEFORE HIS BOOKS WERE BURNED. BEFORE HE DIED IN PRISON because the FDA put him there. They don't want you cured by a simple flow of energy. They don't want you to be cured, because there's more 'profit' in "treating" you. THEY are slaves to the ORDER they have created out of IGNORANCE, out of IMITATION of the ZETAS. They have created here on earth, possibly the last and final LUCIFERIAN REBELLION. Because they did not listen. They did not hear the words of the emissaries. Love thy neighbor, love they ONE TRUE GOD. The words of the emissaries were controlled and drowned out by the MARTIAN BLACK MAGICIANS. That is, the spirituality of Christ was turned into the worship and religion of Christianity. This was done by the same people who found that they could not crucify him. So they concocted a "NEW TESTAMENT" based on blood, suffering, and martyrdom. After all, their Martian worship extended to the practice of WAR, and also this meant making meaningless ORDERS... ironically, just like the Zetans from MARS. The BIBLE even gives this away in REVELATIONS, for anyone smart enough to look. The Beast 666 of Revelations reigns for actually 1260 years, since in the book of Daniel, one day in prophecy is a year. The FOURTH BEAST rules for 3-1/2 years. This is 1260 days as given in Rev. 11:2 as forty-two months of 30 days each. And also plainly in Rev 12:6. One day = 1 year. The Papacy of the Vatican was estblished when Emperor Justinian "gave" the power of Rome to the Church, in 538 AD. The Vatican ruled for 1260 years until 1798 when Napoleon's general Berthier captured the Pope and took him to France, where he later died. But this was a deadly wound to the Papacy, and the Truth of Prophecy. In 1929 the Pope was given power again, and the Italian government recognized Vatican City as an independent state. The wound had healed. Also in the time between the wound was done and the time it healed, the government of America was created. In this time the Little Horn was born. That little horn is protestantism, or non-catholic churches abroad the United States. It was the blood that leaked out of the lie that Catholicsm created. In the year 476 A.D. the Roman Empire had been broken into exactly 10 kingdoms. The Beast of Revelations had seven heads and ten horns. But look at this. It was illegal in those 1260 years to own a bible of your own. And think about the fact that soon after the Papacy was given power the following things happened: World War 2, with the extermination of millions in the Holocaust - most of which who were Jewish that had Original Hebrew copies of the TORAH in which the word ELOHIM could expose their religion ; the assassination of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, Ghandi, Malcolm X, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, etc. ; the creation of a World Bank... The innocents who proclaimed peace and love were KILLED - just like JESUS. (Even J.R. "Bob" Dobbs) By the same ROMAN EMPIRE, who uses the Italian Families as hitmen for their Papal deeds. Well, the message is LOVE, but their plan is a much more sinister one. They have been infected by those MARTIAN ideals. And they proclaim it on your 700 club (only 34 away from 666?) that the Blood of Jesus is his Victory. Wrong-o. The blood of Jesus was the lust of the Roman Empire, the LAST BABYLON. The blood of jesus was ALIEN BLOOD, engineered by the ELOHIM through ANGELIC means. Your FATIMA prophecy was the work of aliens. And thus the message from the aliens was tainted in order to get you to feed the QLIPHOTH. (look in any book by the GOLDEN DAWN, and you will understand that the QLIPHOTH are the OPPOSITE of the KABALISTIC SEPHIROTH.) The VICTORY of JESUS' BLOOD is the GLOATING of the ROMAN EMPIRE OVER THE MESSAGE OF JESUS. That simple message is to love thy neighbor and God... the ONE TRUE GOD. He describes this as the HOLY SPIRIT - within all things. But the ROMAN EMPIRE changed the VERY WORDS of CHRIST in red, and now today we vampirize and cannibalize like good ZOMBIES to a meaningless cancer called "Christianity" - but is by no means at all anything like CHRIST was... nor does it follow the ETHIC of CHRIST... No, they have used the victory of the blood as and excuse to say GOD HATES so and so, and THUS HAVE BROKEN THE COVENANT WITH GOD. Come clean - it is your installed EGO that "HATES" anything, and not GOD, since GOD is LOVE. Admit that your EGOTISTICAL POLITICAL RELIGION wants to RULE THE WORLD IN ORDER TO BRING ENTROPY TO IT, and ultimately destroy it, much like all of you are broken with hate. Admit that I am a LIGHT BRINGER - I shed light on the ULTIMATE LIGHT of the SITUATION. That you are the ones who are in fact undergoing the transformation of a LUCIFERIAN REBELLION... that is, you are giving away your MAGICK to become MECHANICAL ANIMALS... pinks, normals, glorps, a piece of the CONSPIRACY. You are giving your power away for USELESS and DESTRUCTIVE technology. And to those aligned with me in my cause... there is no APOLOGY they can produce that is not some kind of ACCUSATION against your SOUL... that YOU are a SINNER. These ACCUSERS are the REAL SATANS... or shall I say, ZETANS. Fallen angels, if you will... Fallen only because they stopped beliving in themselves - having confidence - and put all their FAITH into IDOLS like the CROSS, the BLOOD, the NAIL, the LORD, or the false GOD. Fallen because they have put their faith in CARS, MONEY, POP STARS, and the seperatism they are sold, through religion, politics, and even what kind of cereal they buy. Each side is taught to hate each other... in this manner they construct an EGO. You call me a sinner and tell me only YOU have the CURE. You tell me I have been poisoned and then offer me a placebo and a promise for tomorrow. You say I confuse you... and that scares you because MAN IS AN ANIMAL and should feel NATURAL, but the EGO is a false MENTAL CONSTRUCT, like MONEY and CIVILIZATION (which isn't CIVIL at all, wouldn't you agree?) So the EGO, the ACTIVATED CRYSTALLIZATION of ORDERED and ENTROPY CAUSING beleifs. They CRYSTALLIZE us in the fact that the SOUL is actually a liquid crystal called DNA suspended in the ANIMATION of Chaos. We are energy that is alive, sentient, and moving because of the amount of DNA collected together for one cause. When the EGO is created, it is done so through nefarious means... We are fed shame, guilt, rejection, hate, fear, anger, accusations, ignorance, intolerance, and the like on a daily basis. We are sent to CONCENTRATION CAMPS called school... they didn't look like that before, but wonder now why your tax dollars are being spent to buy cameras in every classroom, the removal of 'interesting' literature from the libraries (anything not Christian), the removal of ART and MUSIC curriculums, and more SPORTS? After completing this useless test of their teaching skills and not letting anyone learn at their own pace or what they want to, we go to college and learn to take hypocritical oaths or learn a science. Or if we go to a CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, like the 700 club pays lots of TAX FREE dollars to build, then we learn about the VICTORY OF THE BLOOD... that lie. Then if we don't do that all day we are forced to work a meaningless job, flipping burgers for people to lazy to cook thier own food, or pretending that we own gasoline under the ground that customers have to pay for. We all live off of the scrapes of the world, while the kings that never died contine to pass on their linear MONEY WEALTH to their LUCKY PROGENITORS. NOTHING has changed... just the illusion of freedom has grown to seemingly encompass us... IF WE ARE FREE - then why are you paying to read this? FREEDOM will never be bought? Look at the corruption of your government - you GEORGE W. BUSH. Christians voted for him without realizing that he is NOT SOMEONE THEY CAN TRUST. He uses words that sound Christian in his speeches to entice him, but to me they are empty and hollow like his head. For example, he is the Governor of Texas, right? This is the place where it's okay to shoot someone, if you have a good reason to. Texas, for this reason is the deathplace of JFK. George W. Bush is the son of a DRUG LORD, the head of the CIA, I mean. The CIA created LSD and then jailed Dr. Tim Leary for trying to use it for good. They import more cocaine to fund their ALIEN EXPERIMENTS, which have only made the QLIPHOTHIC PROBLEM worse. For example, since 1943, when the PENTAGON was built, the aliens were allowed access to the time-space of Earth from their 45 degree dimensional prison. There, since the time of atlantis they were stuck from the result of their Atlantean experiment involving the LUCIFERIAN REBELLION. But don't take my word for it. I give to you proof of the Qliphoth in the work of Carlos Castaneda, his last book, actually... "The Active Side of Infinity." "There are scores of outside forces controlling you at this moment," Don Juan replied. "The control that I am referring to is something outside the domain of your language. It is your control and at the same time it is not. It cannot be classified, but it certainly can be experienced. And above all, it can certainly be manipulated. Remember this: it can be manipulated - to your total advantage, of course, which again, is not your advantage, but the 'energy body's advantage. However, the 'energy body' is you so we could go on forever like dogs biting our own tails, trying to describe this..." ... I did see some strange fleeting black shadow projected on the foliage of the trees. It was either one shadow going back and forth, or various shadows moving from right to left, or left to right or straight up in the air. They looked like fat black fish to me, enormous fish... "What is it, don Juan?" I asked, "I see fleeting black shadows all over the place." "Ah, that's the universe at large," he said, "incommensurable, nonlinear, outside the realm of syntax. The sorcerors of ancient Mexico were the first ones to see those fleeting shadows, so they followed them around. They saw them as you were seeing them, and they saw them as energy that flows in the universe. And they did discover something transcendental... they discovered that we have a companion for life. We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us domicile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so... this is an explanation, which is the simplest explanation in the world. They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, 'gallineros', the predators rear us in human coops, 'humaneros'. Therefore, thier food is always available to them... think for a moment and tell me how you would explain the contradiction between the intelligence of man the engineer, and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour? Sorcerors believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success and failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us COMPLACENT, routinary, and egomaniacal." "But how can they do this don Juan?" I asked, somehow angered further by what he was saying. "Do they whisper that in our ears while we are asleep?" "No, they don't do it that way. That's idiotic!" don Juan said, smiling. "They are infinitely more effecient and organized than that. In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver - stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it! Do you hear me? The predators gave us their mind. The predator's mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now. "I know that even though you have never suffered hunger," he went on, "that you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears now that any moment now it's maneuver is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind, which, after all, if their mind, the predators inject into the lives of the human beings whatever is convenient for them. And they insure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against that fear." "It is not that I can't accept all of this at face value, don Juan," I said. "I could, but there's something so odious about it that it actually repels me. It forces me to take a contradictory stand. If it's true that they eat us, how do they do it?" Don Juan had a broad smile on his face. He was pleased as punch. He explained that sorcerors 'see' infant human beings as strange luminous balls of energy, covereed from the top to the bottom with a glowing coat, something like a plastic cover that is adjusted tightly over their cocoon of energy. He said that this 'glowing coat of awareness' was what the predators consumed, and that when an adult human reached adulthood, all that was left of this 'glowing coat of awareness' was a narrow fringe that went from the ground to the top of the toes. That fringe permitted mankind to continue living but only just barely. As if I had been in a dream, I heard don Juan Matus, explaining that to his knowledge, man was the only species that had the glowing coat of awareness outside that luminous cocoon. Therefore he became easy prey for an awareness of a different ORDER, such as the HEAVY AWARENESS of the predator. He then made the most damaging statement he had made so far. He said that this narrow fringe of awareness was the epicenter of our self-reflection (EGO), where man was irremedially caught. By playing on our self-reflection, which is the only point left to us, the predators create flares of awareness that they proceed to consume in a ruthless predatory fashion. They give us inane problems that force those flares of awareness to rise, and in this manner they keep us alive in order for them to be fed with the energetic flare of our pseudoconcerns. There you have part of the mystery, then. But how did those predators get here. How did they find us? Who pointed them out to us, and who created THEM? One goes into History BEFORE THE ROMANS. It is ironic that the Christian who studies the past is perplexed by and does not study BABYLONIAN myth. That is where most of the Mosaic text comes from. If Moses wrote the TORAH, where did he hear it from, if most of it was before his time? It would have to have been laid down by the Hebrews who were once living in the land of BABYLON. The ELOHIM were described not with Hebrew words, but a Babylonian word meaning THOSE FROM THE SKY - that being the YHVH ELOHIM. (Translated into falsehood as "Lord God") EL is a word meaning SKY. -IM means plural. And the word YHVH is not a word meaning LORD, but in fact a word describing the physical form. PLACE THE HEBREW LETTERS VERTICALLY with YOD on top and you will see what I mean. ' yod - head |^| heh - arms | vau - body |^| heh - legs The truth has been veiled in euphemisms. The truth has been translated into the ROMAN language and now into our english INCORRECTLY. If they can do this - what have they done to the words of CHRIST? HE SPOKE OF LOVE, 2000 years before the BEATLES. And still there is no LOVE or PEACE on this world, not only because is it not profitable - but it does not feed THEM - the ELDER GODS, the QLIPHOTH, the FNORDS - whatever you want to call them. Linguistically you are in a prison. Thus MIRIAD will free you with TIME = ART equations, where no words are necessary, simply the TRIBES and TONES of the OLD, the true activation of your liquid crystal soul-display, through the CRYSTAL PATH. There is no spoon. Only YOU BEND - and then are broken. If you are still skeptical about US, and you think that THEY can save you from a non-existent HELL while actually giving you a placebo and a false promise for tomorrow, then you are GULLIBLE. (I put my words on CHRISTIAN SITES and they think they cannot be shaken in faith but are worried about the newly born again christians : yeah, those who still have yet to have the wool fully pulled over their eyes. Tell them about ELOHIM, big preacher - I BET YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. Tell them about the GRAVEN IMAGES you're not supposed to worship. Tell them that the SABBATH is one of the 10 COMMANDMENTS and that it is SATURDAY. Tell them about the ORIGINAL LUNAR CALENDAR that was changed to make everyone a slave to work. Tell them about who was the orchestrator of the HOLOCAUST, and still continues to be WHITE and RACIST. Tell them about who the BEAST really is - show them that the ANTICHRIST ironically is the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. TELL THEM!!! But only a bunch of children putting their hands over their eyes and mouths - monkeys who see no evil and hear no evil, but listen to the lies they have been fed.) It is the 'CHRISTIAN' way NOT TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOR, and to jump to cynical, sadistic, and pessimistic conclusions. It is the CHRISTIAN way to stupidly vote for BIG COMPANIES to rule everything... I mean the VATICAN is a BIG COMPANY, and hell, it's TAX free. MAMMON is their only GOD, really. Forget CHRIST and the ELOHIM, those are not to be worshipped other than the PEOPLE, the ICONS, the ROCK STARS - hell, the Pope even has his OWN COMIC BOOK. HATE THY NEIGHBOR and COVET his MONEY - that is the 'CHRISTIAN' way. SELL OUT to the BIG COMPANY because you think they might give you a share... come on, the proletariat has merged with the bourgeoisie and they all worship the Lord now. They are united in their ignorance in hating each other behind their backs, for that is the hypocrisy of the day. THEY can only be successful 'CHRISTIANS' if they write books like Pat Robertson or LaHaye. If they make money off their false beleifs, which now you are literally BUYING INTO. Did you forget that the CHURCH is a TAX-FREE business venture, and the more of YOU they get, the more they can milk you for 'donations' to add onto the CHURCH. They also can tell you who to vote for, even though they DON'T PAY TAXES and contribute!!! Hmm. That is odd. No wonder CHURCH and STATE are seperate, at least verbally. THEY ARE THE SAME KIND OF IDEA. When the State is rule over the self, and the spirit controls it's own destiny, then we will have real 'church' and 'state'... UNTIL THEN, you will be beat down when you try to protest THEIR WORLD BANKS, when you try to protest their DVD ENCODING, when you try to protest THEIR HYPOCRISY, by their political mercenaries (the military and the police...). They will use their muscle against you even they claim to be your political servants - it is the OPPOSITE. YOU ARE THEIR SLAVE. And since you follow their DOGMA, you LIKE IT. You have been brainwashed to vote republican, even though BUSH is the SON OF DRUG LORD, who has made deals with the ZETANS to round you all up and feed you to them. YOU VOTED for this guy, and he won even though he didn't win fairly... which is, well, an abberration in the DEMOCRACY we live in. ("If Christ was in Texas/ the hammer/ the sickle/ the only Son") Bush was elected by LAW, not the people's vote. ("More for Gore or the son of a drug lord/ none of the above, fuck it, pull the cord") And now I hear guns will be all over the place, why, to feed the EGO, to feed the QLIPHOTH with YOUR DEATHS. Yummy, it says. But there will only be ONE SACRIFICE. And it won't be yours. With this revelation... the sleepers will awaken for one last political snowjob. After all, we need another MARTYR like one needs a HOLE in the HEAD. The Christians still claim that they need their ignorance, that they 'need something to believe in'. Yet, they could save so much time and effort, by simply realizing the divinity within them, the magick implicit in all things, escpecially CHAOS, and the FLOW of LIFE, as opposed to trying to control everything. But don't tell them that... they're addicted to their false beliefs - they fill them with a sense of Pride (which is one of the 7 deadly sins...), a false sense of some Divine Purpose (there is no reason for anything), a place to look down upon others, a place to go and gossip, etc. The body in life gets filled with things that have nothing at all to do with living, in fact, these things have to do with dying. Your burger joints sell dead flesh, your gasoline stations sell long-petrified animals, your jewelry stores sell compressed carbons. Meaningless is the workplace. Your 9 to 5 is a waste of human mind and time. Why was it decreed by the ROMAN GOVERNMENT that you would live in a capitalist democracy dying to try to stay alive? When was it decreed? When the unnatural calendars were made. When THEY decreed that it was illegal to create your own money and destroy theirs. When they created a document that decreed independence, but not yours. When they made a constitution, which YOU did not sign. One nation - under GOD, but not ONE TRUE GOD. The God of the Masons maybe, but not ELOHIM. Not the chaotic void beyond all things, beyond the heavens and the firmament, but a petty small fry god. In GOD we TRUST on your money despite their seperation of CHURCH and state - so then MAMMON is their GOD. Greed is their GOD. MONEY is their god, and Wall Street becomes their Holy Temple, World Bankers become the NEW POPES. But this is all OLD NEWS, really. THIS cannot possibly anger you because you are docile. You have no options in dealing with this kind of situation, and you have no clue how to revolt. Your hands are tied because you are only one person. But they are EVEN LESS than human, they are clever scum who have planned all of this out in detail, your slavery for them which appears to look like freedom. YOU will not be able to revolt even against the LICENSE BUREAU because you are so well programmed. And be warned, you in authority. YOU YOURSELVES are not our TARGET. The ORDER which you represent, the ENTROPY which you create in your ignorant wake - that is our target. You are another soul trained to think that you MUST OBEY. They use these words in your programming. OBEY GOD. But GOD is not what you are OBEYING anymore. You are obeying the orders of the EGO. The ORDERS, get it? You are thinking in terms of YOUR SYSTEM which you have falsely created through imitation of those that came before you without QUESTIONING the TEACHING. Without examining the source it came from thoughroughly. By following the ICON and throwing away the message in ORDER to conform to the ORDER which seems to be everywhere - but must be MANUFACTURED, by your hands. SO you are part of the machine, yes... but you need not be. YOU ARE the TARGET AUDIENCE for our message, yes, but not the ACTUAL TARGET we are aiming at. You may work for the machine and believe you are a part of it, but this is an illusion of your taught EGO. The power of the EGO is to deny that you have an EGO. The power of illusion is only an illusion if YOU SEE IT. If you do not see it as an illusion, then it is a success. If you begin to see that it is not real, and an illusion, then it begins to fade. The fading of the illusions that you have imitated and learned can be frightening, and a shock to your reality tunnel, I'm sure. But they were placed there to keep you in a certain frequency... and now it is time to move out of that frequency, into another one... a more harmonic, chaotic one. A more fractal and harmonic view of the world. You wonder how that is possible. YOUR ORDERS CLAIM TO WORK FOR PEACE, but have they ever accomplished it with their GREED? They claim to be working on a PEACE PROCESS. But PEACE is not a PROCESS. It is NOW OR NEVER. You simply realize the DIVINITY in everything or you do not. You either RESPECT that or you do not. That is the commandment of JESUS, was it not - to LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR? This is the only WILL OF GOD there is. For the FLAME in the LIGHT is the WILL and the LAW of the WILL is to LOVE. (these are the words of the self-proclaimed 'Beast' Aleister Crowley)... But you may have only heard horrible things about the people who told the truth. Or perhaps the things that happened to them, like Jesus. Do you follow the principles of non-violence? Do you think that things on this earth can be owned other than the temple, the body you have been given. The predator, the 'flyers' have given you their mind. They treat you like prey as you treat others like prey. This predator, the EGO is something you will deny exists until it ruins your life... then you will admit you are powerless against it's illusions. You will vow to refuse to believe it's illusions - and then you realize you are still in its grasp - the STAGE WORLD. SO, the only thing we can do is to wake up from the AMERICAN DREAM we have been sleeping in, and take back from millionaries what belongs to no one. We are all nothing, and Miriad does not exist. This is just one LAST GAME we are playing by INFINITE RULES.