In the beginning, you enjoyed it. You were caught in the middle of the WAR between THEM and THE OTHER SIDE, and you were trying to help THEM win the war.

Through mind reading, synchronicity, language and the association of ideas, THEY have created a SECOND MEANING for the very words you hear, repeating thoroughly the key words and intentionally avoiding the synonyms, the other words, and phrases without this second meaning.

You probably started to hear a voice (or voices) in your heart, and fell in love for somebody very special. This was good.

But now, that the "hurricane" is over, you're still a PRISONER of THEIR language, and can't find your way out of this MAZE. Like Alice, you are still in the rabbit-hole of THEIR Wonderland, which they try to sell to you as YOUR reality-to-be.

Wonderland, Ixtlan, the Promised Land, Xanadu, Magonia, Shangri-La, Paradise, Shell Beach, Santa Claus and the Christmas Day, and so on. Many names, the same disease for your mind.

What a crap, don't you think ?

However, it is NOT impossible to get out. Do you wanna try ?

Remember John Lennon :

    "Imagine there is no heaven, I wonder if you try,
    No hell below us, above us only sky."


What is meant by a second meaning? That is all the veiled words and advertising we are bombarded with every day almost... What is the HURRICANE? : (1) THE PERIOD DURING WHICH A SECRET WAR BETWEEN THEM AND THE OTHER SIDE "SWEEPED UP" YOUR CITY, FORCING EVERY NEUTRAL PERSON TO CHOOSE ONE SIDE OR THE OTHER; (2) AN ALLEGED HUGE-PROPORTION, CATASTROPHIC SPECULATION THEY DO OVER YOU AND YOUR BRAIN... They, being the ORDER and the EGO and what the subgenius calls the CON, of course. It is a sublime war, of sorts... and it began when all the Ascended Masters left Earth, believe it or not. I have done a lot of soul searching and I know - I beleive in my heart that I understand what is going on here.

I have accepted the dissahc at face value and looked deeper, to unravel how such a thing might have happened. It seems there is a lot of style but little substance to the message so far, despite the examples to come. But the paranoia is the wheat to be seperated from the TRUTH. The truth is that this is very helpful to those ENLIGHTENED by the MADNESS and paranoia, so to speak, to rationalize what THEY have done to us. And THEY have done all of this to us. This is all TRUE, just in one form or style of telling it. Note that the author will refer to LOVE as the only absolute truth. Think about that! Jesus had a similar message. Was he a madman? Did he not say he was the son of the ELOI? Can you find anything on the INTERNET about that? No, millions of CHRISTIANS refer to that as GOD and think it is ABSOLUTE GOD...

Part of the brainwashing THEY do INVOLVES the CHRISTIAN RELIGION, and they are the children of the ZETANS. Or in other words, the MARTIAN ETHIC they portray. They call themselves CHRISTIAN, but they are like the romans that crucified HIM.

they do the same thing with their 'speculation'...

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